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Kas Ob.

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AW: Exception in Laufzeitbibliothek einfangen unter Win 2019 server

  Alt 5. Sep 2023, 11:18
Wenn in einer der Laufzeitbibliotheken eine Exception auftritt und das Programm unter Windows 2019 Server läuft, verabschiedet es sich kommentarlos und hinterlässt nur den nichtssagenden 0x0eedfade-Exception Code im Event Viewer.
Unter Windows 11 und Windows 10 verhält es sich erwartungskonform, zeigt die Exception an und läuft weiter.
Exceptions in der EXE des Programms werden auch unter Win 2019 Server angezeigt.
Why not to fix the exception in Windows 10 and 11 ? this will remove the Server 2019 exception for good.

Now to my 2 cents, 0x0eedfade is generic and almost useless in this case, the only advantage of having it, is the exception generated by Delphi code, this is great to follow.
There many reason for the application to disappear, but to my experience i can point the two most popular reasons for this:
1) The stack is corrupted beyond usage for the system or to be exact to the system debugger to unwind after a raised exception.
2) the stack is there but while unwinding the system debugger find it pointing to a critical section in memory like somewhere where it should not be pointing to, here the system will see this as malicious code and will terminate the application, it will refuse to unwind beyond that point, many malicious code use the stack to attack the system.

My suggestion to catch and solve this:
1) Make sure you building your application with Stack frames enabled in code generation, this will build better stack header to unwind.
2) Enable Range checking and Overflow checking, to help detecting buffers overflow on the stack.

both steps will help you find it, while (2) might be very annoying for you if you never build with them enabled and your code missing hundreds of these exception, but you really should fix them or at least handle them right, also check for warnings.

My diagnose for the cause of the stack corruption is that your application is either:
1) there is an un-initialized variable on the stack, while it is harder to cause such fuss with Delphi because it does use the heap, it you might have local record with missed to fill/initialize elements or assumed zero content, this might worked for Windows 10,11 but on Server 2019 the stack was already have different values, or you are using inline variables and they are overflowing.
2) There is a unreferenced pointer, aka miss use a pointer, you are writing to it, may be most the times small amount and it does work, but some times with big writes it does overflow and remove an SEH structure frmo the stack or the worse case it does fill it with carbage addresses.

Hope that helps and good luck.
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