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Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2022
Ort: Planet Erde
356 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Delphi 7 - BDE 32-Bit - Wie eine Datenbank und/oder Alias erstellen ?

  Alt 4. Sep 2023, 23:01
Danke Euch für Euer Feedback !
Ich habe mir aber mal erlaubt, doch mal bissl rumzubasteln und zu stöpseln ...
Es geht mir ja auch dadrum, eine Datenbank zu Haben, die von unbedarften Usern
installiert werden kann - Ihr wisst ja - GAUF - Größter Anzunehmender User Fehler...
Man braucht auch keine Admin Rechte, um die Registry zu wursteln, aber ich habe mal
im Code eine Abfrage eingetragen - sicher ist sicher ...
nur mal so, ein Snippet:
function isAdmin: Boolean;
  SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY: TSIDIdentifierAuthority = (Value: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5));
  Admin: Boolean;
  AdmGroup: PSID;
  Admin := AllocateAndInitializeSid(SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, AdmGroup);
  If (Admin) Then
    If (not CheckTokenMembership(0, AdmGroup, Admin)) Then
      Admin := False;
  Result := Admin;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// rs_xxx are the Locale's .ENU, .DEU files. default is: ENU ...
// -------------------------------------------------------------
  rs_Internal_Error = 'internal error.';
  rs_BDE_notInstalled = 'No BDE Installation found !';
  rs_BDE_Error = 'BDE Error:';
  rs_BDE_AppStart_Rej = 'Aborted start.';
  rs_App_First_Run = 'You run this Application at first race !' + #13#10 +
                        'Would You do a Setup of needed Stuff ?';
  rs_App_User_Mode = 'You run this Application with User rights !'      + #13#10 +
                        'If You confirm this Dialog with "Yes", it can be' + #13#10 +
                        'that the Application does not work.'              + #13#10 +
                        '' + #13#10 +
                        'Would You start the Application without Admin rights ?';
  rs_ClassName = 'Class-Name: ';
  rs_Message = 'Message: ';
  rs_Exception_Error = 'Exception Error:';
  rs_File_Exists = 'The file already exists !' + #13#10 +
                        'Would you override the old Version ?';

  rs_BDE_EClassName = 'Error-Class: ';
  rs_BDE_ECode = 'Error-Code: ';
  rs_BDE_EMessage = 'Error-Message: ';
  rs_BDE_EFile = 'Error-File: ';
  rs_BDE_EModule = 'Error-Module: ';
  rs_BDE_EProc = 'Error-Proc: ';
  rs_BDE_ELine = 'Error-Line: ';

  rs_BDE_Error_TableDontExists = 'Table does not exists.';
  rs_Win32_Registry_Error = 'Win32-Registry Error:';

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  BDE_DLLs: array [0..2] of string = (
  BDEAlias = 'DataBaseName';
  BDECoTbl = 'test.dbf';
  BDELevel = 0;
  I,J : Integer;
  text : WideString;
  xpos, ypos : Integer;
  row, col : Integer;
  S : String;
  B : Boolean;
  BDE_found : Boolean;
  Index : Integer;
  reg : TRegistry;
  H : HDBISes;
  letter1 : Char;
  letter2 : Char;
  buffer : Array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
  BDEList : TStringList;
  BDESession : TSession;
  BdeAdmin : TDataBase;
  BDETable : TTable;
  BDEQuery : TQuery;
  BDEDataSrc : TDataSource;
  SystemFolder: String;
  SQLstmt : String;
  stmtParams : TParams;

  procedure FreeBDESetup;
    if Assigned(BDEList) then
      BDEList := nil;

    if Assigned(BDEQuery) then
      BDEQuery := nil;

    if Assigned(BDETable) then
      BDETable := nil;

    if Assigned(BDEAdmin) then
      BDEAdmin := nil;

    if Assigned(BDESession) then
      BDESession := nil;

    if Assigned(reg) then
      reg := nil;

    if Assigned(h) then
      h := nil;
  // -------------------------------------------------
  // first, check if the BDE is installed.
  // one step is, to locate the BDE Win32 Registry key
  // second step, try to locate per path.
  // -------------------------------------------------
  BDE_found := true;
  reg := Tregistry.Create;
      reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
      B := reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine');
      if not(B) then
        GetSystemDirectory(buffer, SizeOf(buffer));
        SystemFolder := StrPas(buffer);

        for I := Low(BDE_DLLs) to High(BDE_DLLs) do
          if not FileExists(SystemFolder + '\' + BDE_DLLs[I]) then
            BDE_found := false;
      on E: Exception do
        + #13#10 + rs_ClassName + E.ClassName
        + #13#10 + rs_Message + E.Message);

    if not(BDE_found) then
      rs_BDE_notInstalled + #13#10 +

  // ------------------------------------
  // look, if database is present, if not
  // than try to create it ...
  // ------------------------------------
  BDEAdmin := TDataBase.Create(nil);
  BDE_found := false;
      S := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName);
      S := S + 'data';

      // -----------------------------------------
      // warn the user, if run with admin rights
      // if true then check data + password, else
      // continue as normal user.
      // -----------------------------------------
      if not(DirectoryExists(S)) then
        I := MessageDlg(rs_App_First_Run,
        mtWarning,[mbYes, mbNo],0);
        if I = mrNo then
        if not(isAdmin) then
          I := MessageDlg(rs_App_User_Mode,
          mtWarning,[mbYes, mbNo],0);
          if I = mrNo then


      // --------------------------------
      // check, if 'databasename' exists
      // --------------------------------
      if not(Assigned(BDEList)) then
      BDEList := TStringList.Create;

      BDESession := TSession.Create(nil);
      BDESession.SessionName := BDEAlias;

      // no, then create it
      if BDEList.IndexOf(BDEAlias) < 0 then
        PChar('PATH=' + S),
        h := nil;

      // -------------------------------
      // sanity check ...
      // -------------------------------

      if BDEList.IndexOf(BDEAlias) < 0 then
      raise Exception.Create(
      'BDE Error:'   + #13#10 +
      'internal Error.');

      if not(Assigned(BDEAdmin)) then
      BDEAdmin := TDataBase.Create(nil);
      BDEAdmin.DatabaseName := BDEAlias;
      BDEAdmin.Directory := S;

        // -------------------------------
        // check, if data table exists ...
        // -------------------------------
        BDEQuery := TQuery.Create(nil);
        BDEQuery.DatabaseName := BDEAlias;
        BDEQuery.SQL.Text :=
        'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TableCount ' +
        'FROM SYSALIASES A ' +
        'WHERE A.ALIASNAME = ''' + BDEAlias + '''' + ' ' +
        'AND T.TBLNAME = ''' + S + '\'  + BDECoTbl + '''' ;

        on E: EDBEngineError do
          BDE_found := true;
          for I := 0 to E.ErrorCount - 1 do
            // table does not exists...
            if E.Errors[I].ErrorCode = 10024 then
              BDE_found := false;

          if not(BDE_found) then

              BDEQuery.SQL.Text :=
              'CREATE TABLE ''' + S + '\' + BDECoTbl + ''' (' +
              'COL1 int,' +
              'COL2 int)';

              on E: EDBEngineError do
                for I := 0 to E.ErrorCount - 1 do
                  case E.Errors[I].ErrorCode of
                      // no error
                      // table exists
                    end else
                      + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EClassName + E.ClassName
                      + #13#10 + rs_BDE_ECode + IntToStr(E.Errors[i].ErrorCode)
                      + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EMessage + E.Errors[i].Message
                      + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EFile + FileByLevel (BDELevel)
                      + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EModule + ModuleByLevel(BDELevel)
                      + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EProc + ProcByLevel (BDELevel)
                      + #13#10 + rs_BDE_ELine + IntToStr(LineByLevel(BDELevel)));


      // -------------------------------
      // sanity check ...
      // -------------------------------

      BDEAdmin.DatabaseName := BDEAlias;
      BDEAdmin.Connected := true;

      if not(Assigned(BDESession)) then
        BDESession := TSession.Create(nil);
        BDESession.SessionName := BDEAlias;

      if not(Assigned(BDETable)) then
      BDETable := TTable.Create(nil);
      BDETable.DatabaseName := BDEAdmin .DatabaseName;
      BDETable.SessionName := BDESession.SessionName;
      BDETable.TableName := S + '\test.dbf';

      on E: EDBEngineError do
        for i := 0 to E.ErrorCount - 1 do
          case E.Errors[i].ErrorCode of
            0: begin {no error} BDE_found := true; end;
            else begin
              + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EClassName + E.ClassName
              + #13#10 + rs_BDE_ECode + IntToStr(E.Errors[i].ErrorCode)
              + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EMessage + E.Errors[i].Message
              + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EFile + FileByLevel (BDELevel)
              + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EModule + ModuleByLevel(BDELevel)
              + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EProc + ProcByLevel (BDELevel)
              + #13#10 + rs_BDE_ELine + IntToStr(LineByLevel(BDELevel)));

      on E: Exception do
        + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EClassName + E.ClassName
        + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EMessage + E.Message
        + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EFile + FileByLevel (BDELevel)
        + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EModule + ModuleByLevel(BDELevel)
        + #13#10 + rs_BDE_EProc + ProcByLevel (BDELevel)
        + #13#10 + rs_BDE_ELine + IntToStr(LineByLevel(BDELevel)));

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Geändert von paule32.jk ( 4. Sep 2023 um 23:13 Uhr) Grund: isAdmin Funktion hinzugefügt
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