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The Stack Overflow 2023 Developers Survey is Open

  Alt 17. Mai 2023, 17:10
The Stack Overflow survey*is the largest independent developer survey happening every year. Many vendors have their own surveys, but they tend to focus on specific communities, compared to the Stack Overflow one. You can just navigate to*https://stackoverflow.com/*and follow the link in the banner or visit the blog post I linked just above.

Of course, I'd like to*encourage all Delphi developers to participate and be counted, so we don't get underrepresented. The survey has a significant focus on AI tools (not a big surprise, given what's happening in the industry) but many general questions. For your information, Delphi in included among the programming languages:

Furthermore, RAD studio is listed among the IDEs:

Thanks for getting involved and looking forward to the results, or they indicate once you complete the survey:

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