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Registriert seit: 13. Jan 2004
Ort: Hamm(Westf)
1.967 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: FMX TCameracomponent geht auf Windows nicht ?

  Alt 27. Apr 2023, 12:43
Der Spelt fügt andere VideoFilter hinzu als Embarcadero! Cheeky basterd!

Und die Error description ist ja auch
"Error Description: VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT. No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection."

    // Add Capture filter to our graph.
    Result := pIGraphBuilder.AddFilter(pIBFVideoSource, Widestring('Video Capture'));
    if (FAILED(Result)) then
        // Couldn''t add the capture filter to the graph!

    Result := pIGraphBuilder.AddFilter(piBFSampleGrabber, Widestring('Sample Grabber'));
    if (FAILED(Result)) then

    if not(Visible) then
        Result := pIGraphBuilder.AddFilter(pIBFNullRenderer, WideString('Null Renderer'));
        if (FAILED(Result)) then

    // Render the preview pin on the video capture filter
    // Use this instead of pIGraphBuilder->RenderFile
    pTyp^ := MEDIATYPE_Video;
      if Visible
        then Result := pICapGraphBuild2.RenderStream (pCut, pTyp,
                                    //Addr(PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW), Addr(MEDIATYPE_Video),
                                    pIBFVideoSource, piBFSampleGrabber, nil)

        else Result := pICapGraphBuild2.RenderStream (pCut, pTyp,
                                    //Addr(PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW), Addr(MEDIATYPE_Video),
                                    pIBFVideoSource, piBFSampleGrabber, pIBFNullRenderer);
      Result := -1;
Spelt benutzt als Filter 'Video Capture','Sample Grabber' und 'Null Renderer'(???)
Embarcaderod benutzt nur 'Capture' als Filter...

Und meine Kamera macht wohl einen Jpeg stream....als vermutlich ne folge standbilder...
Monads? Wtf are Monads?
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