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Benutzerbild von Sherlock

Registriert seit: 10. Jan 2006
Ort: Offenbach
3.809 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Delphi 11.3 Patch 1 verfügbar

  Alt 12. Apr 2023, 12:07
Dann ignoriert einfach GetIt und macht folgendes (aus dem Patch ReadMe):
Manual Download and Installation

This patch is also available in the download portal at my.embarcadero.com. In this case, after downloading and expanding the ZIP file, you should run the patch.R113.patch1_install.bat file or manually expand the R113.patch1.zip into the respective subfolders of the RAD Studio installation folder. You also need to update PAServer on target platforms as discussed above.
Geändert von Sherlock (Morgen um 16:78 Uhr) Grund: Weil ich es kann
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