Quality Portal Issues Addresses by This Patch
RSP-41180 RESTResponse component does not return content
RSP-41178 Embarcadero Formulardesigner/
IDE AVs on opening project
RSP-40997 Missing files for TBiometricAuth for iOS simulator ARM64
RSP-40802 Event OnValidate fails when the DBGrid is full
RSP-40757 empty REST response
RSP-40726 Delphi REST
API / TRESTRequest broken for OData APIs
RSP-40601 Error in setting “LSP-Verhalten” options
RSP-40549 RESTRequest should accept multi part ContentType
The patch also addresses the following internally found issues and internal support tickets:
The Win64 LLDB debugger now does not show *simple* datatypes in the mouse hints when hovering on variables
TRESTClient does not recognise response as JSON when Content-Type is application/vnd.retailer.v8+json
AV when trying Generate
SQL in a FireDAC Update
SQL Editor
C++ debugger doesn’t evaluate Button->Text properly on iOS platform
IDE slow when debugging on Android 32-bit and 64-bit