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Transfer time values

Ein Thema von sdean · begonnen am 9. Jun 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 9. Jun 2010
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Registriert seit: 5. Dez 2009
64 Beiträge

Transfer time values

  Alt 9. Jun 2010, 19:52
Delphi-Version: 2005
Hi , i want to Transfer an Elapsed time from timer to an other time ;

i use the following code to calc the Elapsed Time :

procedure TForm1.Time1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    s: string;
    TotalTime: TDateTime;
    DLTimes: Double;
    Hh, Mh, sSec, MSs: Word;
TotalTime:= Now-FStartTime;

  DecodeTime(TotalTime, hH, Mh, sSec, MSs);
  sSec := sSec + Mh * 60 + hH * 3600;
   DLTimes := sSec + MSs / 1000;
  s:=Format('%2d:%2d:%2d', [sSec div 3600, (sSec div 60) mod 60, sSec mod 60]);
FElapsedTime:=FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', StrToTime(s));
So what i want to do is : when i stop timer1 and start timer2 then
timer2 will continue incrementing the FElapsedTime value .

let me suppose this :

when i stopped timer1 the FElapsedTime value was : 00:50:00 ; then when i start Timer2 the FElapsedTime value will be 00:51:00 ....etc incrementing the FElapsedTime value .

thank you
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Registriert seit: 17. Mär 2010
Ort: Wien
1.027 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2009 Pro

AW: Transfer time values

  Alt 9. Jun 2010, 21:18
When timer 1 is started, you save the start time:
Timer1starttime := now; When timer 1 is stopped:

elapsedtime1 := now - timer1starttime; When timer 2 is started, again you save the starttime

timer2starttime := now; When time 2 stops, elapsed time is:

elapsedtime2 := now-timer2starttime; Total elapsed time is

totalelapsedtime := elapsedtime1 + elapsedtime2;

Geändert von mkinzler ( 9. Jun 2010 um 21:21 Uhr) Grund: Delphi-Tags eingefügt
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