// Im Create
DesktopWindow:= TForm.Create(Self);
DesktopWindow.Parent := Self;
// In der Initialisierung
// Initialisieren des Desktop-Fensters
DesktopWindow.DoubleBuffered := True;
DesktopWindow.AutoSize := True;
DesktopWindow.DefaultMonitor := dmDesktop;
// Setzt als Parent das Desktop-
Windows.SetParent( DesktopWindow.Handle , GetDesktopWindow() );
// Window with a thin caption. Does not appear in the taskbar or in the Alt-Tab palette. WS_CAPTION also must be specified.
SetWindowLong( DesktopWindow.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, ( GetWindowLong( DesktopWindow.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE ) or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW ) );
// And NOT
// Window with no Border.
SetWindowLong( DesktopWindow.Handle, GWL_STYLE, ( GetWindowLong( DesktopWindow.Handle, GWL_STYLE ) and not WS_THICKFRAME ) ) ;
// And NOT
// Window that has a title bar (automatically includes the WS_BORDER if no other border style is specified).
SetWindowLong( DesktopWindow.Handle, GWL_STYLE, ( GetWindowLong( DesktopWindow.Handle, GWL_STYLE) and not WS_Caption ) );