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How to handle window move?

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 31. Mai 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 31. Mai 2010
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 11:09
Hello. I need to save window position to restore it on next start. But how to handle this event? TForm has only OnResise, what about move?
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Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 11:43

in the OnDestroy event just save your window position (Left, Top, Width, Height) and maybe your windowstate (maximized...) in a file, ini-file or in a registry key.

Thereafter in OnCreate read your values back and the window will be displayed at the same position...

VG Pixfreak

Edit: see Manipulate INI Files and store window pos
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 13:03
Yap, I thought about this, but this is wrong idea, because if window is maximized, it has desktop size and position is (0, 0). Finally last position in wsNormal state can't be stored. Do you know solution for this problem?
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Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 13:12
Maybe this helps?:

 rc: TRect;
// get position

// set position
MoveWindow(self.Handle,rc.left,,(rc.right-rc.left),(,true) ;
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Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 13:16

you can use this code in the close or destroy event handler of the form (I used a TMemIniFile)

  LWindowPlacement: TWindowPlacement;
  Ini.WriteInteger(Name, 'WindowState', Integer(WindowState));
  LWindowPlacement.length := SizeOf(TWindowPlacement);

  if GetWindowPlacement(Handle, LWindowPlacement) then
    Ini.WriteInteger(Name, 'Top', LWindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Top);
    Ini.WriteInteger(Name, 'Left', LWindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Left);
    Ini.WriteInteger(Name, 'Height',
      LWindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Bottom - LWindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Top);
    Ini.WriteInteger(Name, 'Width',
      LWindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Right - LWindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Left);
Hope this helps.
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Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 14:24
I'm using GetWindowPlacement and SetWindowPlacement, too.
The difference is, i'm storing the record "TWindowPlacement" to registry as binary stream.
This saves some keys.

There is a small pitfall. If the monitor configuration changes by removing a second monitor, then the windows will still restore on the old position (on that not available monitor).
The cause that the user isn't able to see or move the window.
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
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Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 14:57
Method with GetWindowPlacement() is exactly what I need - thanks!
I also tried with WM_MOVE, but above solution is the best.

Thanks guys

-- Added ---

@generic, how to fix problem you talking about? I have one monitor, so I can't de facto test it
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Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 15:23
Hello WojTec,

I think you test this with screen-resolutions. Because it's also possible that the resolution is changed. For example you stored your values at a resolution 1600x1200 and the program restarts at an resolution 1024x768.

I think you may check the values. If they are valid for the actual resolution / desctopssize you can set them. Otherwise you may set the position and size to default values.

Christian E.
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Re: How to handle window move?

  Alt 31. Mai 2010, 16:42
Just check if the coordinates are out of bound and reset them to a default value if so. Storing the desktop resolution is overkill imo.
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