Thema: Delphi from C# to delphi

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Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: from C# to delphi

  Alt 22. Dez 2022, 16:04
Completely untested (written in Notepad++):
function PQFactorize(pq: LongWord): LongWord;

  function gcd(left, right: LongWord): LongWord;
    num: LongWord;
    while right <> 0 do
        num := left mod right;
        left := right;
        right := num;
    Result := left;

  g, q, x, y, z, res, a, other: LongWord;
  i, j, iter, lim: integer;
  if pq < 2 then
  g := 0;
  i := 0;
  iter := 0;
    q := LongWord(Random(16) + 17) mod (pq - 1);
    x := (LongWord(Random(MAXINT)) + LongWord(Random(MAXINT)) shl 31) mod (pq - 1) + 1;
    y := x;
    lim := 1 shl (math.Min(5, i) + 18);
    for j := 1 to lim - 1 do
        res := q;
        a := x;
        while x <> 0 do
            if (x and 1) <> 0 then
              res := (res + a) mod pq;
            a := (a + a) mod pq;
            x := x shr 1;
        x := res;
        if x < y then
          z := pq + x - y
          z := x - y;
        g := gcd(z, pq);
        if g <> 1 then
        if (j and (j - 1)) = 0 then
          y := x;
    if (g > 1) and (g < pq) then
  until (i >= 3) or (iter >= 1000);
  if (g <> 0) then
      other := pq div g;
      if (other < g) then
        g := other;
  Result := g;
The keyword "static" implies that this is a static class function, so you have to declare it as such.
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