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Ala : "Write a function in Delphi pascal that adds two sinus waves, with a given frequency and an frequency offset of 3% between both"

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Here is an example of a function that adds two sinus waves in Delphi Pascal with a given frequency and an offset of 3%:
function AddSinusWaves(freq: Real; offset: Real): Real;
Result := Sin(freq * 2 * Pi) + Sin(freq * (1 + offset) * 2 * Pi);
To use this function, you can call it with two arguments: the frequency of the first sinus wave and the offset between the two waves. For example:
result := AddSinusWaves(10, 0.03);
This would add two sinus waves with a frequency of 10 Hz, with the second wave having an offset of 3% relative to the first wave. The result of the function is the sum of the two sinus waves.