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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Wann funktioniert die Codevervollständigung wieder richtig :-(

  Alt 10. Nov 2022, 10:31
Immerhin gibt es Tatsächlich einen QP-Eintrag dazu, in dem diskutiert wird.

Ein Mitarbeiter von Emba schreibt da recht ausführlich:
Hello [...],

We are aware that Alexandria 11.2 has problems w/ LSP and CodeInsight. We have heard about it through JIRA, via reports like this one, in posts on other forums, like here, and also from customers who have contacted us directly. It has been difficult to identify the root cause because in many cases, the problems are not reproducible. Given how widespread the problem is, we suspect that there's some memory corruption going on, leading to random failures.

The team is after LSP logs that would help narrow down the problem. If anyone can reproduce these failures and would be open to generating LSP log files, please, contact us. I can be reached directly at [...] and I would be happy to relay LOG files and any information that would help us narrow this down.


Please feel free to contact me w/ any information that could be useful to eliminate the LSP problem. Thank you.
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