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Datei sicher löschen

Ein Thema von Luckie · begonnen am 29. Apr 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Apr 2010
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Re: Datei sicher löschen

  Alt 29. Apr 2010, 21:27
Wipe - File wipe.


This program implements a secure erase of disk media as per the
Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard: DOD 5220.22-M

The standard states that hard disk media is erased by
overwriting with a character, then the character's complement,
and then a random character. Note that the standard specicically
states that this method is not suitable for TOP SECRET information.
TOP SECRET data sanatizing is only achievable by a Type 1 or 2
degauss of the disk, or by disintegrating, incinerating,
pulverizing, shreding, or melting the disk.

This program is freeware. It comes with no warranties at all, so use at
your own risk.

this software is covered by the GNU Public License (GPL) version
2 or later. This is free software, there are no warranties or
guarantees. You can copy, modify and distribute this code
according to the GPL. The license itself is located in a file
called COPYING in the same directory you retrieved this file from.

Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: zip (327,9 KB, 36x aufgerufen)
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