Now, this is odd. It prints:
Cannot find
dcu file for
sdStreams in '..\..\general\sdStreams.pas';
But dir. general (simdesign-master\simlib\general) does not contain any packages (.dpk) : How could I compile it? Should I create my own
package? I can do it. I can push the
pas files to
package, but it will print this warning:
The following changes are neccessary to make this
package compatible with other installed packages:
vcl contains implicit
unit(s) Graphics, Consts, Forms, Printers, StdActns, Clipbrd, Controls, Themes, ComCtrls, ComStrs, ExtActns, ActnList, Menus, ImgList, StdCtrls, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, ExtDlgs, Buttons, ToolWin, ListActns, WinHelpViewer.
Add NativeJpgD7.
NativeJpgD7 contains implicit
unit(s) sdDebug.
sdFileList, sdSortedLists, sdStreams.
Unit(s) sdFileList, sdSortedLists, sdStreams were found in required package NativeJpgD7.
I don't really understand it much. I still have the
"NativeJpgD7.bpl~" old file from 2018 and NativeJpgD7.bpl from 13th 07 2022 21:32 (compiled yesterday, but I was so tired that I already have no idea what I was doing at that late time).