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Clac CRC before downloading

Ein Thema von sdean · begonnen am 19. Apr 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 19. Apr 2010
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Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 15:22
Hi , i use indy 'idhttp' to download files , But what i want is :

Before begin downloading a file from server i should calc its CRC why :
because i must be sure if this file has not already been downloaded and saved .

please is there any way or other alternative to acheive that ? .
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 15:26

this might not be possible because you can calculate the CRC only if you already downloaded the file I think. Is this over HTTP? I think there is no HTTP command to get the checksum of a remote file.


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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 15:40
yes over HTTP , let me suppose the following scenario :

yesterday i downloaded x0.myfile which CRC is 3361685294 , and today i want to download other files among of them is x0.myfile so when the download process starts it should bypass x0.myfile because it's already downloaded yesterday .

That's what i want to acheive .

Yes i can use If FileExists(x0.myfile) then bypass , But here i want to work with CRC , MD5 or whatever

any idea wicht ?
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 15:47
You can also check the Filesize before downloading the file!
MFG Caleb
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 15:53
Thank you lbccaleb :

But it can be possible 2 files have the same size !

I think the better way is to use the CRC or MD5
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 16:00
I have found this. But its only german.
MFG Caleb
TheSmallOne (MediaPlayer)
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 16:04
Is the file you want to download a file provided by you? If yes you could also provide a textfile containing the checksum of that file which will be downloaded first. After that you could download the main-file and compare its checksum with the checksum from your textfile.

IMHO there is no way to calc a checksum of a file placed on a webserver without downloading that file to your local computer.
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 16:16
you cant build a crc on a url without downloading the file!

but you can request via HEAD the headers to a file.
with the header you can compare the size, date and most important the Etag.
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 16:22
Thank you HeikoAdams , that's a good idea , Ok then let me suppose this :

i place an ini file in my webserver :


Then should i download x0.myfile to compare its checksum with the already downloaded one or what ?
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Re: Clac CRC before downloading

  Alt 19. Apr 2010, 16:24
Thank you generic, could you explain more , or give me a little exemple for that
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