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Benutzerbild von Uwe Raabe
Uwe Raabe

Registriert seit: 20. Jan 2006
Ort: Lübbecke
11.602 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Effizienter binär-output eines (word)-streams

  Alt 6. Apr 2022, 19:06
Warum das Rad neu erfinden, wenn es doch schon in SysUtils existiert?
{ Type conversion records }

  WordRec = packed record
    case Integer of
      0: (Lo, Hi: Byte);
      1: (Bytes: array [0..1] of Byte);

  LongRec = packed record
    case Integer of
      0: (Lo, Hi: Word);
      1: (Words: array [0..1] of Word);
      2: (Bytes: array [0..3] of Byte);

  Int64Rec = packed record
    case Integer of
      0: (Lo, Hi: Cardinal);
      1: (Cardinals: array [0..1] of Cardinal);
      2: (Words: array [0..3] of Word);
      3: (Bytes: array [0..7] of Byte);
Uwe Raabe
Certified Delphi Master Developer
Embarcadero MVP
Blog: The Art of Delphi Programming
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