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[GR32] How to get image resolution

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 9. Apr 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 10. Apr 2010
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
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Delphi XE6 Professional

[GR32] How to get image resolution

  Alt 9. Apr 2010, 20:36
Hello guys,

I have small problem with something that probably is very simple. So, I have image in TBitmap32 object and must save it. When I saving it as JPEG I also updating or adding EXIF metadata. One of EXIF field is picture resolution (and second in thumbnail section). How to compute this resolution (the best in inches)?
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Re: [GR32] How to get image resolution

  Alt 9. Apr 2010, 21:28
To get the resolution in inches you need to know how to compute your inches. Some Images have 120 px/inch and some have 96 px/inch. I think, you can get this factor by reading it from its original file. If you create a Bitmap im your TBitmap32 (like Painting) you can choose a factor. Usually it'S 96 or 120.

Hope I could help.


EDIT: I've tested thin with MSPAINT and the result-image has a resolution of 96 px/inch (=dpi) (see attached screenshot)
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Re: [GR32] How to get image resolution

  Alt 9. Apr 2010, 21:48

is does not make any sense do put the resolution px/inch into the exif.
The resolution is depending on the device where the image will be displayed or printed.

The screen resolution is between 72 and 96px/inch.
A printer can have a resolution of 150,300 or 600 dots(px)/inch.

So an image with an width of 1000 pixels has width on the screen of round about 10 inches.
Printed it is physicaly much smaller.

Hope it helps.

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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: [GR32] How to get image resolution

  Alt 10. Apr 2010, 19:47
Thanks for answers. I decided to don't save DPI or remove if exists. Thanks guys
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