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Probleme mit TIdMultiPartFormDataStream

Ein Thema von sfan · begonnen am 9. Apr 2010
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Registriert seit: 9. Apr 2010
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Probleme mit TIdMultiPartFormDataStream

  Alt 9. Apr 2010, 10:05

ich benutze zur Zeit die Indy Componente um ein paar datensätze an meinen eigenen Webserver zu posten. Hier der Code:
function TDB.postcontent(title:string; content:string; url:string):boolean;
    var data: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream;
      isvalidcontent :=true;
      data := TIdMultiPartFormDataStream.Create;
        data.AddFormField('action', 'post');
        data.AddFormField('title', title);
        data.AddFormField('link', url);
        data.AddFormField('content', content);
        on e: EConvertError do begin
           form1.Memo1.Lines.Add('An Error Occured');
Komischerweise bekomme ich des öffteren einen EConvertError beim addFormField "Content" mit der Meldung .Format '%s' Ungültig oder nicht Kompatibel im Argument.
In TMemo wird der Text folgendermaßen dargestellt:
New Earthquake in Chile fear: scientists warn of a new mega-quake! As the Swiss newspaper "20 minutes" based on expert reports of those who had in the north of the country similar tensions surface built up as in the more south-lying regions Maule, Bio Bio, where the end of February, the ground shook. More about Tsunami Alarm Chile : Earthquake beiAmtseinfuehrung! Gallery Enlarge monster earthquake in Chile in the Pacific Tsunami Warning Photo: AP 1 of 32 The tensions in the soil could always lead to big breaks in the underground - a new natural disaster in the making! Just a mere six weeks shaken a seismic shock withstrength of 8.8 on the Richter scale, the South American country - there was even one of the most violent earthquake ever recorded. It was followed by several aftershocks, heavy (with a thickness of up to 6.9!) Scientist claimed in the new issue of "Science" that the stresses in the soil, thus threatening earthquakes were already known for a decade - but were not sufficient warning systems Installed been! Still there is no way to predict an earthquake safe! "The most important lesson from the earthquake in the region is Maule, that a risk region can indeed be identified very well, it remains impossible to predict the time," cited "20 Minutes" the 27th Autoren.Am February, in the south of Chile, an earthquake of 8.8 occurred strength, he was followed by a destructive tsunami on the Pacific coast. Around 500 people were killed. VideoVergroessern unsustainable harvesting and shootings Chilean earthquake zone grows inaggression VideoVergroessern chaos Chile Violent tremors demand in dozens Enlarge Chile is not dead Gallery to rest earthquakes at the official introduction of the President Photo: AP 1 of 8 Photo Gallery Enlarge Turkey, Chile, Haiti, earth shakes The Picture: Reuters 1 of 336 Write us Your opinion Please! theRules of conduct (Netiquette) use the comment function on Please note for the rules of conduct (Netiquette) for the use of the comment feature on Loading ... Please login. Login login using Facebook is how it goes Registration publish this comment on Facebook - Comments (7) all unfolding CJensen wrote: 12/03/2010 The earth trembles as the official introduction of the president ... if the accident is not a. The earth quakes as the official introduction of the president ... if the accident is not. Report Link expand MadMax20092 wrote: 12/03/2010 uhhh you have a very flourishing Fantasy. Sorry! I just what happens to these poor countries who have nothing and then ehIt shakes them still in the abyss. Dafuehr, the Western world to donate money and help. N. .. uhhh got her a very flourishing Fantasy. Sorry! I just what happens to these poor countries have eh nothing and then it shakes them still in the abyss. Dafuehr, the Western world to donate money and help. the Greeks are protesting and riots do not. Report Link expand 270,507 wrote: 11/03/2010 Whether higher powers do not do something about the official introduction was there? Who knows? Whether because higher powers not to be the official introduction was something? Who knows? Report Link Funzl wrote: open 11/03/2010 there are only about 2 years ... then allet is over ... the Inca calendar hoert uff ...;) yes, then it is only just under 2 years ... then allet is over ... the IncaCalendar hoert yes, then uff ...;) Report Link Racine wrote: open 11/03/2010 @ Aequatortaufe Again ... yesterday was so lustig.Wie was how the first pony? Or the hunter, who came home early and his best was a friend ...? @ Aequatortaufe Again ... yesterday was so lustig.Wie was how the first pony? Or the hunter, who came home early and his best friend was ...? Report Link expand archive Chile earthquake shocks leaders about 700 Dead in Chile "It shook, then the sea came to our house" after quake horror Tsunami Alert! The wave of fear earthquake off Chile Chile earthquake tsunami rushes the Pacific Islands before the tsunami breaks over in through earthquake monster tsunami fear earthquakes in South America: Chile, Turkey HaitiNachbeben put fear in eastern Turkey Nearly 60 dead in earthquakePanic Asia earthquake shaken in Taiwan Nasa researchers Chile quake has axis Turkey moved east Nearly 60 dead in earthquake Chile-Erdbebenueber 700 dead - but the tsunami was of horror-quake tsunami alert on holiday island Hawaiian Earthquake hell HaitiDie children dance by themselves to life Back ErdbebenDie saddest list of the world Haiti after earthquakes criminals raping women after hell of HaitiBILD reporter Leave Haiti, what they forget can hell of HaitiWas happens with your donations for Haiti? "A Heart for Children" helicopter never brings smile back to Haiti after the quakes U.S. Military stops transports earthquake hell HaitiDie children dance injuries into life back to ErdbebenDie saddest list of the world Haiti after earthquakes criminals raping Haitian women hell of HaitiBILD reporters write what they never forget can hell of HaitiWas's your donations for with Haiti?Earthquake hell HaitiKinderschaender hunt earthquake orphans AFTER 15 DAYS! Girls (16) rescued from rubble in Rettungsheli HaitiErster use for "German Help One" The Haiti-WunderSie still find survivors of chaos in HaitiJetzt threatening a revolt of the hungry, the heavy earthquake HaitiSo The 1st Reconstruction Donations BilanzSo BILD readers have helped the victims after the ErdbebenHaiti hopes for fresh start The helicopter helps the heart, where the need is greatest is in earthquake HaitiEine million people homeless! Death DramaHaiti quake destroyed family from Munich Haiti ErdbebenDie School dead children 12345678 Issues News Genscher honors cabbage "His Zielereichten weiterals my" yesterday by Hans-Dietrich Genscher (83) Helmut Kohl before the photo-double belt. He praised the former chancellor with moving words. ... More FallenPICTURE soldier tells dieGeschichte vonRobert H. (?) IMAGE tells the story of the parachute Jaegers Robert H., Chief Corporal, age 25 died in the fighting near Kunduz, northern Afghanistan. ... More Callgirl Monta K. The Fotoalbumdertoten whore The photo album of a young girl ', that went to Germany to find his luck. Monta K. (? 22) from Latvia was not happy. ... More AhmadinedschadIran is freest republic in the world "Secret train balance Horror winter! Per day fell from 30 long-distance trains, add this item to the following social bookmarking services Add: Photo: AP, Reuters News "day in pictures? Weather ?Money & Career? Health ?Travel? Heart for Children "Videos?Horoscope News Ticker 09:45 UhrTrittin welcomed Baltic pipeline 09:19 UhrBoerse: Dax opened firm 09:15 UhrBundeswehr again stop destination UhrAfghanistan 09:05: Helicopter shot down 08:52 UhrTokios Boerse includes solid More News Video Weather Service Overview of installment loan comparison Calculate loan amount in � Please Select Term Interest ... 12 18 24 36 48 60 72 84 Compare Daily Horoscope IhreSterne How are today? screen saver top news direktauf your monitor BILDmobil top news fuerIhr Mobile Newsletter Subscribe Ihrepersoenlichen News in FIG. Most Read News Article Ranking de 0101 Callgirl Monta K. The sad story of the dead whore The sad historian Eder murdered prostitute-0202 Low Cost OpaWitwedoctor is to blame widow cobra gibtArzt the guilt-0303 tape FalleMuelheimer monocle-cobra found dead, dead! Muelheimer poisonous snake found 0404 Stranger in Blue has bird stork now a wife stork in blue has a wife 0505 2 million years altUnbekannte pre-human-nature herself now madman Fund: UnbekannteVormenschenart winner Bettina Wulff losers Michelle Obama Columns comment We bow to the dead! By Tom Drechsler Post by Wagner Dear President Obama, by Franz-Josef Wagner Archive Archive More politics, celebrities, sports, car, computer, advice and important events News & Events Miscellaneous, dieuns moving earthquakes in Haiti all about the killer quake Mystery Everything about UFOs, aliens, supersensible Ruhr.2010 Europe Culture natural disasters earthquakes, typhoons Tsunamiund Hells Angels, Bandidos, the violence KriegderRocker gangs prison-escapee hostage gangsters keep Germany in respiratory death flight AF 447 plane crash over the Atlantic, New York Airbus landing imHudson - Images & Info rampage Winnenden rampage erschuettertganz Germany Josef Fritzl life imprisonment forthe Incest monster facts about IMAGE from reader advisory board to "A Heart for Children" in late summer 2009 events and person end the year 2009 9 November 1989 Germany years fall feiert20

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