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Delphi 2009 Professional

AW: FPC Kompatibilitätsfrage

  Alt 27. Nov 2021, 12:43
Zu class helper Einschränkungen siehe https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/ref/refse65.html:

Destructors or class destructors are not allowed.
Class constructors are not allowed.
Class helpers cannot descend from record helpers, and cannot extend record types.
Field definitions are not allowed. Neither are class fields.
Properties that refer to a field are not allowed. This is in fact a consequence of the previous item.
Abstract methods are not allowed.
Virtual methods of the class cannot be overridden. They can be hidden by giving them the same name or they can be overloaded using the overload directive.
Unlike for regular procedures or methods, the overload specifier must be explicitly used when overloading methods from a class in a class helper. If overload is not used, the extended type’s method is hidden by the helper method (as for regular classes).
TObject enthält eine ToString methode. ToInteger ist nur twas für bestimmte (numerische) Typen sinnvoll, welche konkreten Fälle sind denn gesucht?

Array Operatoren werden hier beschrieben: https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/ref/refsu48.html

  a,b, c : array of byte;

  writeln('C has ',length(c),' elements');

C has 6 elements
Michael Justin

Geändert von mjustin (27. Nov 2021 um 12:44 Uhr) Grund: Ausgabe hinzugefügt
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