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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: MacOS 12: OpenSSL liefert Fehlermeldung "Clients should not load the unversioned

  Alt 5. Nov 2021, 07:34
Hallo Phillip,

hast Du es mal mit denen hier versucht ?

Gibt es in verschiedenen Ausführungen, mit verschiedenen Compilern.

There are prebuilt binaries for several mainstream compilers and versions available in Conan Center repository, such as Visual Studio 14, 15, Linux GCC 4.9 and Apple Clang 3.5. Up to >130 different binaries for different configurations can be available in ConanCenter. But if your current configuration is not pre-built in ConanCenter, Conan will raise a “BinaryMissing” error. Please read carefully the error messages. You can build the binary package from sources using conan install .. --build=missing, it will succeed if your configuration is supported by the recipe (it is possible that some ConanCenter recipes fail to build for some platforms). You will find more info in the Building with other configurations section.
Mir ist aber nicht ganz klar wie man die "prebuilt binaries" bekommt, vielleicht reicht einmal ein install und package build auf XCode aus,
und dann lädt er Alles runter ?

Geändert von Rollo62 ( 5. Nov 2021 um 07:44 Uhr)
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