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My November Conferences: EKON 25 and DelphiCon 2021

  Alt 2. Nov 2021, 16:30


The EKON conference in Germany is likely the longest running Delphi focused event, celebrating the 25th session this year, certainly a big breakthrough. The conference is*in Dusseldorf, November 8th to 10th, and it's the first in-person Delphi event after a long break caused by the global pandemic. The speakers round up is great, as usual, and the topics quite varied, with sessions in English and German languages.

You can read more at* https://entwickler-konferenz.de/

For my part, I'll be giving a keynote on the general status of Delphi, a technical session on "Delphi, Windows and Project Reunion" and one titled "From Expressions to Live Bindings: Dynamic Code in Delphi".

DelphiCon 2021

Following the tradition of the past CodeRage event, Embarcadero is organizing its yearly online Delphi focused conference, with the presence of the top experts on the product and a few great guest speakers from outside the community. DelphiCon 2021 will run on*November 16th to 18th. At the conference I'll present a keynote titled "Beyond 10x - The Future of Development with Delphi".

More information and sign up at* https://delphicon.embarcadero.com/


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