Sehr gerne gebe ich weiter was der Support geschrieben hat, ist leider nichts gekommen das bei der Problemlösung geholfen hätte

da sie meine Anfrage anscheinend falsch verstanden/interpretiert hat.
"Hello Gernot,
This is .... from the Embarcadero IDERA Technical Support team.
This is a known issue that our development team has resolved. Please follow these steps to resolve the license error:
- Go to: C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero
Please note c:\ProgramData is a hidden folder, you need to go to folder options under the view tab, and check on show hidden files and folders.
- Remove license files ".slip and .txt files" do not delete the whole folder
- Launch product and register your serial number as directed
For isolated or offline machines you will need to obtain a new activation file from
- Go to: C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero
- Remove license files ".slip and .txt files" do not delete the whole folder
- Place new file you have downloaded
- launch product and it should open up all the way
Ich habe ihnen dann geschrieben, dass ich das Problem lösen konnte und wie ich es gelöst habe. Die Antwort dazu:
"Hello Gernot,
Thank you for the information. Glad the issue is resolved. We will close this case."
Ich hoffe das es intern entsprechend behandelt wird und für zukünftige Updates behoben wird.