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[GR32] How to resize TBitmap32?

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 12. Mär 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 12. Mär 2010

Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

[GR32] How to resize TBitmap32?

  Alt 12. Mär 2010, 12:50
Hi, I have problem with TBitmap32 resizing Here is my code:

  RESAMPLER: array [0..2] of TBitmap32ResamplerClass = (TNearestResampler,
    TLinearResampler, TDraftResampler
  B: TBitmap32;
  with TResamplingSettings.Create(Image32.Bitmap.Width, Image32.Bitmap.Height) do
    if Execute then
      B := TBitmap32.Create;

        B.Resampler := Image32.Bitmap.Resampler;

        Image32.Bitmap.SetSize(ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
        Image32.Bitmap.Draw(Rect(0, 0, Image32.Bitmap.Width, Image32.Bitmap.Height),
          Image32.Bitmap.BoundsRect, B

// TResamplingSettings - window, where can set new size
// Image32 - component where is bitmap
// ImageWidth, ImageHeight - properties from TResamplingSettings
So, this only do well new size, can't correctly repaint old bitmap in new size and causes memory leak (large blocks). I have GR32 1.83. Could you help?
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