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Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: DEC Design Frage (SHA3)

  Alt 17. Mai 2021, 17:14

hier noch der relevante Auszug aus meiner Anfrage an das NIST wegen der Testdaten die ich dort gefunden hatte:

"Your observation is correct that the example values do not catch some implementation failures. However, this is not their intended purpose: they are sample values, not test vectors.

The goal of the sample values is to make it easy to understand the intermediate values of the algorithm. By choosing a repeating pattern, we can recognize many other repeating patterns in the first few intermediate values of the algorithm. The non-repeating pattern that you propose does not have this property, and may therefore be less suitable as sample to understand the intermediate values.

If test vectors for SHA-3 are needed, they can be found here: https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/Secure-Hashing"

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