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Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2002 37.621 Beiträge Delphi 2006 Professional |
Ich habe mir mal die Mühe gemacht und NetMessageBufferSend zur einfacheren Handhabung in eine Klasse gekapselt. Zusätzlich kann die Klasse überprüfen, ob der Nachrichtendienst gestartet ist und ihn bei bedarf starten und / oder beenden.
Hier der Code:
Project : - Filename : NetSend Date : 2004-01-17 Version : Last modified : Author : Michael Puff URL : [url]www.luckie-online.de[/url] Copyright : Copyright (c) 2003 Michael Puff History : When I die I want 'Hello, world' carved on my headstone. *******************************************************************************} {******************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Michael Puff ["copyright holder(s)"] All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name(s) of the copyright holder(s) may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************} {******************************************************************************* Class for sending messages with the messenger service of NT machines. Provides also methods for checking whether the messenger service is running and starting / stopping the service. *******************************************************************************} unit NetSend; interface uses windows, WinSvc; const bit29 = 1 SHL 28; NERR_Success = 0; NERR_BASE = 2100; NERR_NameNotFound = NERR_BASE + 173; NERR_NetworkError = NERR_BASE + 36; ERROR_FAILED_STARTING_SERVICE = 1 or bit29; ERROR_FAILED_STOPPING_SERVICE = 2 or bit29; type TNetSend = class private FName: string; FMsg: string; FErrorCode: DWORD; private function NetSendMsg(const Name, Text: string): DWORD; function ErrorCodeToStr: string; public constructor Create(const Receiver, Text: string); function MessengerSvcRunning(Machine: String = ''): Boolean; function StartMessengerSvc(Machine: String = ''): Boolean; function StopMessengerSvc(Machine: String = ''): Boolean; procedure Send; property ErrorCode: DWORD read FErrorCode; property ErrorStr: string read ErrorCodeToStr; property Receiver: string read FName; property MessageText: string read FMsg; end; implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure : ServiceGetStatus // Comment : Author: DieHardMan function ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService: PChar): DWORD; {******************************************} {*** Parameters: ***} {*** sService: specifies the name of the service to open {*** sMachine: specifies the name of the target computer {*** ***} {*** Return Values: ***} {*** -1 = Error opening service ***} {*** 1 = SERVICE_STOPPED ***} {*** 2 = SERVICE_START_PENDING ***} {*** 3 = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ***} {*** 4 = SERVICE_RUNNING ***} {*** 5 = SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING ***} {*** 6 = SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING ***} {*** 7 = SERVICE_PAUSED ***} {******************************************} var SCManHandle, SvcHandle: SC_Handle; SS: TServiceStatus; dwStat: DWORD; begin dwStat := 0; // Open service manager handle. SCManHandle := OpenSCManager(sMachine, nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (SCManHandle > 0) then begin SvcHandle := OpenService(SCManHandle, sService, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); // if Service installed if (SvcHandle > 0) then begin // SS structure holds the service status (TServiceStatus); if (QueryServiceStatus(SvcHandle, SS)) then dwStat := ss.dwCurrentState; CloseServiceHandle(SvcHandle); end; CloseServiceHandle(SCManHandle); end; Result := dwStat; end; function ServiceRunning(sMachine, sService: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := SERVICE_RUNNING = ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService); end; function ServiceStart(Machine, ServiceName: string): Boolean; // Machine is UNC path or local machine if empty var h_manager, h_svc: SC_Handle; ServiceStatus: TServiceStatus; dwCheckPoint: DWORD; ServiceArgVectors: PChar; begin h_manager := OpenSCManager(PChar(Machine), nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if h_manager > 0 then begin h_svc := OpenService(h_manager, PChar(ServiceName), SERVICE_START or SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if h_svc > 0 then begin if (StartService(h_svc, 0, ServiceArgVectors)) then { succeeded } begin if (QueryServiceStatus(h_svc, ServiceStatus)) then begin while (SERVICE_RUNNING <> ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState) do begin dwCheckPoint := ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint; Sleep(ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint); if (not QueryServiceStatus(h_svc, ServiceStatus)) then // couldn't check status break; if (ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint < dwCheckPoint) then break; end; end; end; CloseServiceHandle(h_svc); end; CloseServiceHandle(h_manager); end; Result := (SERVICE_RUNNING = ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState); end; function ServiceStop(Machine, ServiceName: string): Boolean; // Machine is UNC path or local machine if empty var h_manager, h_svc: SC_Handle; ServiceStatus: TServiceStatus; dwCheckPoint: DWORD; begin h_manager := OpenSCManager(PChar(Machine), nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if h_manager > 0 then begin h_svc := OpenService(h_manager, PChar(ServiceName), SERVICE_STOP or SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if h_svc > 0 then begin if (ControlService(h_svc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, ServiceStatus)) then begin if (QueryServiceStatus(h_svc, ServiceStatus)) then begin while (SERVICE_STOPPED <> ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState) do begin dwCheckPoint := ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint; Sleep(ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint); if (not QueryServiceStatus(h_svc, ServiceStatus)) then // couldn't check status break; if (ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint < dwCheckPoint) then break; end; end; end; CloseServiceHandle(h_svc); end; CloseServiceHandle(h_manager); end; Result := (SERVICE_STOPPED = ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState); end; // TNetSend constructor TNetSend.Create(const Receiver, Text: string); begin FName := Receiver; FMsg := Text; FErrorCode := 0; end; function TNetSend.MessengerSvcRunning(Machine: String = ''): Boolean; begin result := ServiceRunning(pointer(Machine), 'Messenger'); end; function TNetSend.StartMessengerSvc(Machine: String = ''): Boolean; begin result := ServiceStart(Machine, 'Messenger'); if not result then FErrorCode := ERROR_FAILED_STARTING_SERVICE; end; function TNetSend.StopMessengerSvc(Machine: String = ''): Boolean; begin result := ServiceStop(Machine, 'Messenger'); if not result then FErrorCode := ERROR_FAILED_STOPPING_SERVICE; end; procedure TNetSend.Send; begin FErrorCode := NetSendMsg(FName, FMsg) end; function TNetSend.ErrorCodeToStr: string; resourcestring InvalidParameter = 'Ungültiger Parameter'; CallNotImplemented = 'Aufruf nicht implementiert'; NotEnoughMemory = 'Nicht genug Speicher'; InternalError = 'Interner Fehler'; NerrSuccess = 'Nachricht gesendet'; AccessDenied = 'Zugriff verweigert'; NotSupported = 'Funktion nicht unterstützt'; MachineNotFound = 'Computer nicht gefunden'; NetworkError = 'Fehler im Netzwerk'; UnKnownError = 'Unbekannter Fehler'; FailedStartingService = 'Nachrichtendienst konnte nicht gestartet werden'; FailedStoppingService = 'Nachrichtendienst konnte nicht beendet werden'; begin case FErrorCode of ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: result := InvalidParameter; ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: result := CallNotImplemented; ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: result := NotEnoughMemory; ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR: result := InternalError; NERR_Success: result := NerrSuccess; ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: result := AccessDenied; ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: result := NotSupported; NERR_NameNotFound: result := MachineNotFound; NERR_NetworkError: result := NetworkError; ERROR_FAILED_STARTING_SERVICE: result := FailedStartingService; ERROR_FAILED_STOPPING_SERVICE: result := FailedStoppingService; else result := UnKnownError; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure : TNetSend.NetSendMsg // Comment : Author: Nico Bendlin function TNetSend.NetSendMsg(const Name, Text: string): DWORD; const NetApi32Lib = 'netapi32.dll'; NERR_Success = 0; type LPBYTE = PByte; LPVOID = Pointer; NET_API_STATUS = Integer; TFNNetMessageBufferSend = function(servername, msgname, fromname: LPCWSTR; buf: LPBYTE; buflen: DWORD): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; TFNNetApiBufferAllocate = function(ByteCount: DWORD; out Buffer: LPVOID ): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; TFNNetApiBufferFree = function(Buffer: LPVOID): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; var NetApi32: HMODULE; NetMessageBufferSend: TFNNetMessageBufferSend; NetApiBufferAllocate: TFNNetApiBufferAllocate; NetApiBufferFree: TFNNetApiBufferFree; MsgName: LPCWSTR; MsgLen: DWORD; Buffer: LPBYTE; BufLen: DWORD; begin Result := ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (Length(Name) <= 0) or (Length(Text) <= 0) then Exit; Result := ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; NetApi32 := LoadLibrary(NetApi32Lib); if NetApi32 <> 0 then try NetMessageBufferSend := TFNNetMessageBufferSend( GetProcAddress(NetApi32, 'NetMessageBufferSend')); NetApiBufferAllocate := TFNNetApiBufferAllocate( GetProcAddress(NetApi32, 'NetApiBufferAllocate')); NetApiBufferFree := TFNNetApiBufferFree( GetProcAddress(NetApi32, 'NetApiBufferFree')); if Assigned(NetMessageBufferSend) and Assigned(NetApiBufferAllocate) and Assigned(NetApiBufferFree) then begin Result := ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; MsgName := nil; MsgLen := (Length(Name) + 1) * SizeOf(WideChar); Buffer := nil; BufLen := (Length(Text) + 1) * SizeOf(WideChar); if (NetApiBufferAllocate(MsgLen, Pointer(MsgName)) = NERR_Success) and (NetApiBufferAllocate(BufLen, Pointer(Buffer)) = NERR_Success) then try StringToWideChar(Name, MsgName, MsgLen); StringToWideChar(Text, PWideChar(Buffer), BufLen); Result := DWORD( NetMessageBufferSend(nil, MsgName, nil, Buffer, BufLen)); except Result := ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; end; if Assigned(MsgName) then NetApiBufferFree(Pointer(MsgName)); if Assigned(Buffer) then NetApiBufferFree(Pointer(Buffer)); end; finally FreeLibrary(NetApi32) end; end; end. ![]() In dem Archiv ist noch ein kleines Demo drin.
Ein Teil meines Codes würde euch verunsichern. |
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2003 Ort: Trittau 3.538 Beiträge Delphi XE Professional |
Hallo Luckie,
werde ich mir mal anschauen. Habe auch schon 'ne Verwendung dafür. Hab aber auch gleich ein Attentat vor. ![]() ![]()
Gruß aus Trittau
Rainer ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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