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Delphi 7 Professional

AW: Delphi-Parser mit Anwendung "Hyperlinked Browser for Ids and References"

  Alt 23. Apr 2021, 11:08
- Compiler-Direktive $K    // ist beim automatischen Einfügen per Ctrl-O-O dabei
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/...tion-switches: {$K-} Smart callbacks
Zitat von http://pascal.net.ru/%24K+Smart+Callbacks+Switch:
$K: Smart Callbacks Switch

Controls the generation of smart callbacks for procedures and functions that are exported by an application.

Syntax: {$K+} or {$K-}
Default: {$K+}
Type: Global
Menu Command: Options|Compiler|Smart callbacks

Windows target

When an application is compiled in the $K- state, it is required to use MakeProcInstance and FreeProcInstance Windows API routines when creating callback routines.

In the $K+ state, there is no need to use MakeProcInstance and FreeProcInstance.
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