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[job] Windows 7 Programmierung (Update - Mehr Infos)

Ein Thema von cowa · begonnen am 4. Mär 2010
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[job] Windows 7 Programmierung (Update - Mehr Infos)

  Alt 4. Mär 2010, 22:07
Entwicklung einer einfachen Windows 7 Anwendung welche das Windows 7 Logo Programm (The Windows 7 Software Logo Program) erfolgreich besteht.

Ziel: Erstellen einer Windows 7 Anwendung welche den "Windows 7" erfolgreich durchläuft. Aufgabe der Anwendung ist zweitrangig und kann durchaus auch Simpel sein, soweit die Forderungen des Win7 Logo Test erfüllt werden.

Microsoft beschreibt dies wie folgt:
Application Eligibility

For an application to qualify for the Windows 7 Logo Program, it must meet the following criteria:
  • The application must be a standalone1 application
  • The application must run on a local Windows 7 machine
  • A client component2 of a server application
  • The application must be code and feature complete3

The following application types illustrate standalone applications that qualify for the Windows 7 Software Logo Program:
  • A Windows 7 application that requires Microsoft Outlook 2007 to be installed
  • A Java™ or .NET application or similar hosted runtime environment
  • A Windows 7 application that requires optical media to run
  • A Windows 7 application that requires a connection to a server

The following application types will not qualify for the Windows 7 Software Logo Program:
  • A Web-based application
  • A Web browser plug-in
  • An MMC snap-in
  • A hardware driver and, or a driver add-on4

Mehr Informationen unter:

Kosten für Windows Logo Test seitens Microsoft gehen nach Absprache zu Lasten des Auftraggebers.

Denkbar wäre z.B. ein einfaches Chatprogramm welches von Client A zu Client B einfachen ASCII Text senden kann.
Die Funktion des Programmes ist nicht wichtig, sollte nur deutlich zu sehen sein "das irgendetwas" gemacht wird.

Wichtig ist hierbei die Tatsache das der Windows 7 Logo Test erfolgreich bestanden wird.

Kurze Zusammenfassung:
  • Do not modify WRP protected resources
  • Ensure ongoing quality
  • Clean, reversible, installation
  • Install to the correct folders by default
  • Digitally sign files & drivers
  • Support x64 versions of Windows
  • Do not block installation or application launch based on OS version check
  • Follow User Account Control (UAC) Guidelines

Längere Zusammenfassung:
Do not modify WRP protected resources
Windows resource protection (WRP) is designed to ensure that protected system resources are updated only by using Microsoft-approved installation or update mechanisms. Following WRP guidelines helps to maintain system integrity, and improves system reliability.
Ensure ongoing quality
An application carrying the Windows 7 logo represents an on-going relationship between the partner, ISVs,and Microsoft.
  • Vendors must not hide unhandled exceptions from Windows error reporting (WER). ISVs must sign up to receive their crash data from WER. You can do this by signing applications at Winqual. ISVs must map their applications carrying the Windows 7 logo to their company at this site and maintain these mappings while the product is supported.
  • Use Application Verifier (AppVerifier) within your software development lifecycle.
  • ISV must conduct application specific testing on both x86 and x64 versions of Windows 7
  • ISV must submit test results obtained from an x64 Windows 7, and execute logo testing on x64 versions of Windows 7
  • If an issue with an application carrying the Windows 7 logo is reported that turns out to be in violation of the logo requirements, Microsoft will confirm the issue and contact the partner for resolution. ISVs agree to a 30-90 day policy to submit a plan of action for addressing application issues.
  • Microsoft may request a licensed copy of the logo carrying application in the following cases:
  • ISV requesting Microsoft support on issues related to the logo toolkit, or validation results
  • Customer reports of none compliance with logo requirements or polices, and or application auditing by Microsoft
Clean, reversible, installation
A clean, reversible, installation allows users to successfully manage (deploy and remove) applications on their systems
Applications must properly implement a clean, reversible, installation. The application should be able to roll back the install at failure and restore the machine to its previous state.
Installation Requirements
An application installation should never:
  • Force immediate reboot. A reboot should never be the only option at the end of an install or update. Users should have the opportunity to restart later
  • Be dependent on 8.3 short file names (SFN)
  • Block silent install/uninstall
Windows inventory tools and telemetry tools require complete information about installed applications. Application installers must create the correct registry entries to allow successful detection and uninstalls. If you are using an MSI-based installer, MSI automatically creates the registry entries below. If you are not using an MSI installer, the installation module must create the following registry entries during installation:
  • DisplayName
  • InstallLocation
  • Publisher
  • UninstallString
  • VersionMajor or MajorVersion
  • VersionMinor or MinorVersion
Install to the correct folders by default
Users should have a consistent and secure experience with the default installation location of files, while maintaining the option to install an application to the location they choose. It is also necessary to store application data in the correct location to allow several people to use the same computer without corrupting or overwriting each other's data and settings.
Windows provides specific locations in the file system to store programs and software components, shared application data, and application data specific to a user:
  • Applications should be installed to the Program Files16 folder by default. User data or application data must never be stored in this location because of the security permissions configured for this folder
  • All application data that must be shared among users on the computer should be stored within ProgramData
  • All application data exclusive to a specific user and not to be shared with other users of the computer must be stored in Users\<username>\AppData
  • Never write directly to the "Windows" directory and or subdirectories. Use the correct methods for installing files, such as fonts or drivers
  • In “per-machine” installations, user data must be written at first run and not during the installation. This is because there is no correct user location to store data at time of installation. Attempts by an application to modify default association behaviors at a machine level after installation will be unsuccessful. Instead, defaults must be claimed on a per-user level, which prevents multiple users from overwriting each other's defaults.
Digitally sign files & drivers
An Authenticode digital signature allows users to be sure that the software is genuine. It also allows detection if a file has been tampered with, for example, infected by a virus.
Kernel-mode code signing enforcement is a Windows feature known as code integrity (CI) that improves the security of the OS, by verifying the integrity of a file each time the image of the file is loaded into memory. CI detects if malicious code has modified a system binary file. Also generates diagnostic and system-audit log event when the signature of a kernel module fails to verify correctly.
Support x64 versions of Windows
As 64-bit hardware becomes more prevalent, users expect application developers to take advantage of the benefits of 64-bit architecture by migrating their applications to 64-bit, or that 32-bit versions of the application run well under 64-bit versions of Windows.
To maintain compatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows, applications must natively support 64-bit or, at a minimum, 32-bit Windows-based applications must run seamlessly on 64-bit systems:
  • Applications and their installers must not contain any 16-bit code or rely on any 16-bit component
  • The application setup must detect and install the proper drivers and components for the 64-bit architecture
  • Any shell plug-ins must run on 64-bit versions of Windows
  • Applications running under the WoW64 emulator should not attempt to subvert or bypass Wow64 virtualization mechanisms. If there are specific scenarios where applications need to detect running under WoW64 emulator, they should do so by calling IsWow64Process function for such operations
Do not block installation or application launch based on OS version check
It is important that customers are not artificially blocked from installing or running their applications when there are no technical limitations. In general, if applications were written for Windows Vista or later releases, they should have no reason to check the OS version
Follow User Account Control (UAC) Guidelines
Some Windows applications run in the security context of an administrator account, and many require excessive user rights and Windows privileges. Controlling access to resources enables users to be in control of their systems against unwanted20 changes. The most important rule for controlling access to resources is to provide the least amount of access “standard user context” required for a user to perform his or her necessary tasks. Following UAC guidelines provides applications with the necessary permissions when needed, without leaving the system constantly exposed to security risks.
Most applications do not require administrator privileges at run time, and should be just fine running as a standard-user. Windows applications must have a manifest21 (embedded or external22) that defines their execution levels and tells the OS what privileges the application requires in order to run.
  • For example, <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker | highestAvailable | requireAdministrator" uiAccess="true|false"/>
  • The main process of the application must be run as a standard user (asInvoker). Any administrative features must be moved into a separate process that runs with administrative privileges.
  • A waiver is required for applications that run their main process23 with elevated privileges (requireAdministrator or highestAvailable)
    Waivers will be considered for the following scenarios:
  • Administrative or system tools with execution level set to highestAvailable, and or requireAdministrator

  • Only Accessibility or UI automation framework application setting the uiAccess24 flag to true to bypass the user interface privilege isolation (UIPI)
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