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TCoffeeAndCode, Europe Today and US Tomorrow

  Alt 16. Mär 2021, 12:10
Today UK

Today at 2pm my time (1pm UK) I'll join the first event of a new series of TCoffeeAndCode organized by Steve Ball and aimed at Delphi and RAD Studio developers around Europe. It is a short, 30 minutes, open format based on questions from the audience, like the previous set of events a few months back. You can read more about the event at*https://blogs.embarcadero.com/tcoffe...-in-march-2021*and signup here. Following events are next two Tuesdays, same time.

Tomorrow, US

Tomorrow at 6pm my time I'll also join a new series of TCoffeeAndCode - Central Time*organized by Jim McKeeth and aimed to US developers -- but with the current 1-hour reduction on the time zone different, not too late in Europe. This is a longer conversation (2 hours) with multiple guests: me, Anders Ohlsson, Ian Barker, and Zach Briggs. On my specific case, the focus will be a presentation of my new book, now available in print. You can sign up here.

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