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Benutzerbild von MyRealName

Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2003
Ort: Heilbronn
684 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Seit heute Sicherheitswarnung

  Alt 13. Okt 2020, 09:11
Netzfund :

it has to do with the blocked domain. The welcome page is requesting dynamic content from embarcadero and the used service is addressing "getit.embarcadero.com" and wants to query the package list. In case a local webserver is running the calls are redirected due the hosts block and the since welcome page is based on the internet explorer stuff the certificates are checked and that are not set, expired or could not be verified.
Just remove that entries from the default.htm files...
<script src="js/guidedTour.js"></script>
<script src="js/getit.js"></script>
Important! Please keep in mind, the file "default.htm" exists multiple times and which html file is shown depends on the local settings.
In case the right html file is patched, then the certificate issue should be gone and the local webserver like Xampp could be used while Delphi is running.
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