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TADOQuery Primary Key auslesen

Ein Thema von Ducksoul · begonnen am 9. Feb 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 21. Mär 2010

Registriert seit: 5. Jul 2006
Ort: Magdeburg
8.276 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: TADOQuery Primary Key auslesen

  Alt 10. Feb 2010, 13:15

Aus Google.

Using DAO you can look through the TableDef.Indexes collection. There is
an Index.Primary property that is true if the index is a primary key
index. You can then find the field names by looking at the fields
collection of the Index. There may be a more direct way using DAO that I
am not aware of.

ADODataSet1.CommandText := 'SELECT * From Kunde';
        ADODataSet1.Active := True;

        for i:= 0 to ADODataSet1.IndexDefs.Count-1 do
          IndexDef:= ADODataSet1.IndexDefs[i]
          if IndexDef.Primary ...

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