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Benutzerbild von haentschman

Registriert seit: 24. Okt 2006
Ort: Seifhennersdorf / Sachsen
5.429 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 21. Sep 2020, 06:17
Sorry. These units mad* was automatic add to the project. This is a tool to finding errors... I should have to delete them for you.
By the way the code did not work
...i know. It's an easy mistake that I have left as it is...from me. You have to find it out yourself. Write the error message here.
what i do:
* formatting
* naming
* SQL was wrong
* assignment of the query to the report
* delete unused report datasets
* editing report

* All components should have a prefix. 2 to 4 signs. example: fo = Form, edt = Edit, mem = Memo and so on... You can choose it yourself.
previos Unit6 -> Settings only the name has changed!
previos TForm6 -> TfoSettings only the name has changed!

SQL was wrong:
...you can see (btnParamètresClick)

assignment of the query to the report:
dmData.frxDatasetReportMaster.DataSet := dmData.qryReport;
delete unused report datasets:
...from the DatamoduleEtudiant.

editing report:
New names assigned to the report.

Geändert von haentschman (21. Sep 2020 um 07:22 Uhr)
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