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BUG in VT with Timagelist ?

Ein Thema von perry4916 · begonnen am 5. Feb 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 5. Feb 2010
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Registriert seit: 17. Jan 2010
4 Beiträge

BUG in VT with Timagelist ?

  Alt 5. Feb 2010, 05:01
I'm thinking this is a bug

When i have a Timagelist with 20 icons in it and connect the Imagelist
to VT, then once the list is shown, The icon for Node 3-10 is the same.
1-2 and 11-20 are all different ones.

the weird thing is when, I put a TJImageviewer on my form
and connect the VT.images list to the Imageviewer, then everything
shows fine. but VT seems to have a problem

this is what i am using for the event

procedure Tdsmainform.treeGetImageIndex(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
  Node: PVirtualNode; Kind: TVTImageKind; Column: TColumnIndex;
  var Ghosted: Boolean; var ImageIndex: Integer);
Data: PTreeData;
Data := Sender.GetNodeData(Node);
if Column = 0 then imageindex:=data.imagenumber-1;
unless i am doing something wrong ?
The column=0 is for putting the icon in the 1st column in my tree.
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Registriert seit: 14. Jan 2003
Ort: Boxberg
456 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Professional

Re: BUG in VT with Timagelist ?

  Alt 5. Feb 2010, 09:28

I always had this problem, but I found the solution in the Demo-Program of the VT.

Use the function below in the OnCreate-Event of your Form:
  Controls, CommCtrl;

// To show smooth images we have to convert the image list from 16 colors to high color.
procedure ConvertToHighColor(ImageList: TImageList);
var IL:TImageList;
  // Have to create a temporary copy of the given list, because the list is cleared on handle creation.
    with ImageList do
      Handle:=ImageList_Create(Width, Height, ILC_COLOR16 or ILC_MASK, Count, AllocBy);
  end; // try
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