Jetzt offiziell garnicht mehr?
Nun ist der Offline-Installer ja auch auf GetIt umgestellt.
Früher war es ja InstallShild (glaub ich, falls ich's nicht verwechsle), was zuletzt nur noch im OfflineInstaller genutzt wurde.
Und dort wäre sowas ja noch möglich gewesen.
Wobei die den GetIt-Installer selbst gebaut haben (Delphi-Programm) und der Entwickler sowas bestimmt besser unterstüzen könnte. (die
inoffiziellen Parameter erweitern)
OK, OK, das ESD-Setup sagt noch folgendes: (radstudio_10_4_esd_99797b.exe)
/HELP, /?
Shows this information.
Disables the This will install... Do you wish to continue? prompt at the beginning of Setup.
Instructs Setup to be silent or very silent.
Instructs Setup to suppress message boxes.
Causes Setup to create a log file in the user's TEMP directory.
Same as /LOG, except it allows you to specify a fixed path/filename to use for the log file.
Prevents the user from cancelling during the installation process.
Prevents Setup from restarting the system following a successful installation, or after a Preparing to Install failure that requests a restart.
Specifies a custom exit code that Setup is to return when the system needs to be restarted.
Instructs Setup to close applications using files that need to be updated.
Prevents Setup from closing applications using files that need to be updated.
Instructs Setup to restart applications.
Prevents Setup from restarting applications.
Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line.
Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file.
Specifies the internal name of the language to use.
Overrides the default directory name.
/GROUP="folder name"
Overrides the default folder name.
Instructs Setup to initially check the Don't create a Start Menu folder check box.
/TYPE=type name
Overrides the default setup type.
/COMPONENTS="comma separated list of component names"
Overrides the default component settings.
/TASKS="comma separated list of task names"
Specifies a list of tasks that should be initially selected.
/MERGETASKS="comma separated list of task names"
Like the /TASKS parameter, except the specified tasks will be merged with the set of tasks that would have otherwise been selected by default.
Specifies the password to use.
For more detailed information, please visit Setup
Sieht aus, als wenn sich der eigentliche Installer nochmal in einem InnoSetup versteckt. hmmmmmm????
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.