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How to work with WIC?

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 3. Feb 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 1. Mär 2010

Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

How to work with WIC?

  Alt 3. Feb 2010, 13:08
Today I discover new technology called WIC, but I not found any examples how to work with it I only researched how to load picture and convert format:

// Function() to test if this engine working correctly
function WICImageFormatDescription(const WIC: TWICImage): string;
  Result := '';

  case WIC.ImageFormat of
    wifBmp: Result := 'Bitmap';
    wifPng: Result := 'PNG';
    wifJpeg: Result := 'JPEG';
    wifGif: Result := 'GIF';
    wifTiff: Result := 'TIFF';
    wifWMPhoto: Result := 'JPEG XR';
      if GUIDToString(WIC.EncoderContainerFormat) = GUIDToString(GUID_ContainerFormatIco) then
        Result := 'Icon'
        Result := 'other'

  WIC: TWICImage;
  WIC := TWICImage.Create;
    if OpenPictureDialog.Execute then
      WIC.ImageFormat := wifWMPhoto;
For example how to get installed codecs (names and extensions, eg. to add format to dialogs). Or how to get some info about format and manipulate format during file saving? Or manipulate image? Do you have some experience with this? This looks to be good method to read RAW images.

PS: Is there better method to compare GUIDs than I wrote?
PS2: Do you know native Delphi libs to support image formats? Something like GraphicsEe, but updated to latest format versions (GrEx for example can't read last TIFFs).
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