Why don't you simply use the OnHeaderClick Event? There you have a HitInfo parameter which provides you the position where the user clicked on.
procedure TfrmMain.vstHeaderClick(Sender: TVTHeader; HitInfo: TVTHeaderHitInfo);
if (HitInfo.HitPosition = hhiOnIcon) then begin
// Do something here
Pro tip: Check out the VirtualTreeView source code. This is the best documentation you can get. Or simply ask here if you don't know how to do it.
// Structure used when info about a certain position in the header is needed.
TVTHeaderHitInfo = record
Y: Integer;
Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState;
Column: TColumnIndex;
HitPosition: TVTHeaderHitPositions;
// These flags are used to indicate where a click in the header happened.
TVTHeaderHitPosition = (
hhiNoWhere, // No column is involved (possible only if the tree is smaller than the client area).
hhiOnColumn, // On a column.
hhiOnIcon, // On the bitmap associated with a column.
hhiOnCheckbox // On the checkbox if enabled.
TVTHeaderHitPositions = set of TVTHeaderHitPosition;