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VirtualTree problems. Soft-gems = no support at all.

Ein Thema von perry4916 · begonnen am 17. Jan 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 2. Feb 2010

Registriert seit: 17. Jan 2010
4 Beiträge

VirtualTree problems. Soft-gems = no support at all.

  Alt 17. Jan 2010, 05:02
I found this board that someone referred to on the VST forum, since that one is pretty much dead.

I'm having a problem with drawing Images in my tree.
when I draw the items, it's all fine, but

the OnafterPaint event is always triggered, so it keeps refreshing the images.
(I cannot use an Timagelist since it's giving me problems when i am loading 4700 icons in it)

So the question is:
Is there an option to disable all the onpaint / onafterpaint / ongettext when the mouse moves?

things keeps refreshing with the wrong info on certain lines, since
it's not getting the correct info, if you are moving the mouse too fast
it's reading the wrong row.

thank you very much for your help

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