Da es Exceptions erst ab Delphi gibt (war es Delphi 2? Ich glaube in 16 Bit Windows gab es sie noch nicht, also nicht in Delphi 1), wage ich das mal zu bezweifeln.

Exceptions gab es wohl auch schon in Delphi 1, wie man
diesem Artikel von Allen Bauer entnehmen kann:
I remember cringing when Anders Hejlsberg demoed the
exception handling capabilities by dereferencing a nil pointer. I had done all the work to map the hardware exceptions (via. the Windows 3.x toolhelp.dll) into language exceptions. Windows 3.x at the time had no
OS supported
exception mechanism. Remember all those “General Protection Fault” dialogs? brrrrr...
Auch nett der Kommentar von Nick Hodges:
When Anders referenced that nil PChar, there was a literal hush in the room, and when it didn't crash, putting up an
exception instead, the place went crazy.
The MS people in the back were carried out on stretchers, I think from hyperventilating.