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Delphi 12 Athens

(Android) Fehler in DateUtils behoben // TTimezone.Local.ID // Ich bitte um Prüfung

  Alt 20. Jul 2020, 15:39
Wenn man
TTimezone.Local.ID innerhalb einer 64Bit Android App abruft,
dann meldet die APP in Deutschland als Zeitzonen-ID "ET" .
Das ist "Eastern Time" alias "Eastern Standard Time" alias "EST".

Korrekt wäre es, wenn als Zeitzone "CET"(deprecated) oder "Europe/Berlin" gemeldet würde
Selbst wenn ich die Zeitzone nach Portugal verlege, meldet die App dann nicht "WET" was korrekt wäre, sondern auch "ET" als Zeitzone.
Sprich der erste Buchstabe geht verloren! *ARRRGH*
Die App denkt also immer sie wäre in einer US-Zeitzone, weil es "ET" in meiner Datenbank tatsächlich gibt....

Ich habe also die Codestellen in der unit DateUtils.pas die diesen Code benutzen:
Einstring := Utf8ToString(LChars) In folgenden Code geändert:
Einstring := Trim(TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(LChars)) ;

Das Trim ist notwendig sonst funktionieren die Vergleiche nicht...
Vermutlich wäre es besser gewesen Utf8ToString zu fixen, aber ich habe mich das nicht getraut und ich habe die Typen rawstring usw. nicht auf Anhieb verstanden.

Bitte sagt mir ob die Anpassung in Ordnung ist. Soll ich das über meine Firma an die QC weitergeben oder ist das Problem schon von Emba gelöst?

Listing der ganzen Funktion in der 3 Stellen geöndert wurden.
(nach "Korrektur" ohne Gänsefüßchen suchen)
function TLocalTimeZone.GetChangesForYear(const AYear: Word): PYearlyChanges;
{$IF defined(MSWINDOWS)}
  function GetAbsoluteDateFromRule(const AYear, AMonth, ADoW, ADoWIndex: Word; AToD: TTime): TDateTime;
    CReDoW: array [0 .. 6] of Integer = (7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

    LExpDayOfWeek, LActualDayOfWeek: Word;

    { No actual rule }
    if (AMonth = 0) and (ADoW = 0) and (ADoWIndex = 0) then

    { Transform into ISO 8601 day of week }
    LExpDayOfWeek := CReDoW[ADoW];

    { Generate a date in the form of: Year/Month/1st of month }
    Result := EncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, 1);

    { Get the day of week for this newly crafted date }
    LActualDayOfWeek := DayOfTheWeek(Result);

    { We're too far off now, let's decrease the number of days till we get to the desired one }
    if LActualDayOfWeek > LExpDayOfWeek then
      Result := IncDay(Result, DaysPerWeek - LActualDayOfWeek + LExpDayOfWeek)
    else if (LActualDayOfWeek < LExpDayOfWeek) Then
      Result := IncDay(Result, LExpDayOfWeek - LActualDayOfWeek);

    { Skip the required number of weeks }
    Result := IncDay(Result, DaysPerWeek * (ADoWIndex - 1));

    { If we've skipped the day in this moth, go back a few weeks until we get it right again }
    while (MonthOf(Result) > AMonth) do
      Result := IncDay(Result, -DaysPerWeek);

    { Add the time part }
    Result := Result + AToD;

  LTZ: TTimeZoneInformation;
  LResult: Cardinal;

  Result := AllocMem(SizeOf(TYearlyChanges));
  LTZ := Default(TTimeZoneInformation);

  { Win32 can't handle dates outside this range }
  if (AYear <= 1601) or (AYear > 30827) then

  { Use either Vista of lower APIs. If Vista one fails, also use the lower API. }
  if TOSVersion.Check(6, 1, 1) and GetTimeZoneInformationForYear(AYear, nil, LTZ) then
    LResult := GetTimeZoneInformation(LTZ); { Try with the old API }

  { Exit on error }
  if LResult = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID then

  { Try to obtain the daylight adjustment for the specified year }
  if LResult <> TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN then
    with LTZ.StandardDate do
      Result.FEndOfDST := GetAbsoluteDateFromRule(AYear, wMonth, wDayOfWeek,
        wDay, EncodeTime(wHour, wMinute, wSecond, 0));

    with LTZ.DaylightDate do
      Result.FStartOfDST := GetAbsoluteDateFromRule(AYear, wMonth, wDayOfWeek,
        wDay, EncodeTime(wHour, wMinute, wSecond, 0));

  Result.FBias := -SecsPerMin * (LTZ.StandardBias + LTZ.Bias);
  Result.FBiasWithDST := -SecsPerMin * (LTZ.DaylightBias + LTZ.Bias);
  Result.FName := LTZ.StandardName;
  Result.FDSTName := LTZ.DaylightName;
{$ELSEIF defined(MACOS)}
function MacToDateTime(const AbsTime: CFAbsoluteTime; const ATZ: CFTimeZoneRef): TDateTime;
  LDate: CFGregorianDate;
  { Decompose the object }
  LDate := CFAbsoluteTimeGetGregorianDate(AbsTime, ATZ);

  { Generate a TDateTime now }
  with LDate do
    Result := EncodeDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, Round(second), 0);

procedure CopyInfo(const ATZ: CFTimeZoneRef; const AStartBT: CFAbsoluteTime; out LPt1DT, LPt2DT: TDateTime;
  out LPt1Off, LPt2Off: Int64);
  L1stTrans, L2ndTrans: CFAbsoluteTime;
  { Calculate the first and the last transition times }
  L1stTrans := CFTimeZoneGetNextDaylightSavingTimeTransition(ATZ, AStartBT);
  L2ndTrans := CFTimeZoneGetNextDaylightSavingTimeTransition(ATZ, L1stTrans);

  { Obtain the GMT offset before first transition }
  LPt1Off := Round(CFTimeZoneGetSecondsFromGMT(ATZ, AStartBT));

  if (L1stTrans <> 0) or (L2ndTrans > L1stTrans) then
    { Convert the first transition to TDateTime }
    LPt1DT := MacToDateTime(L1stTrans, ATZ);

    { Convert the second transition to TDateTime }
    LPt2DT := MacToDateTime(L2ndTrans, ATZ);

    { Obtain the GMT offset before second transition }
    LPt2Off := Round(CFTimeZoneGetSecondsFromGMT(ATZ, L1stTrans));
  end else
    { There were no transitions. Use the base data }
    LPt2Off := LPt1Off;
    LPt1DT := MacToDateTime(AStartBT, ATZ);
    LPt2DT := LPt1DT;

  LLocaleRef: CFLocaleRef;
  L1stJan: CFAbsoluteTime;
  LDate: CFGregorianDate;

  { What we expect }
  LStart, LEnd: TDateTime;
  { Create the changes block. Keep it clean so far. }
  Result := AllocMem(SizeOf(TYearlyChanges));

  if FTZ <> nil then
    { Encode 1st Jan of the given year into Absolute time }
    with LDate do
      year := AYear;
      month := MonthJanuary;
      day := 1;
      hour := 0;
      minute := 0;
      second := 0;

    { Generate an absolute time (1st Jan Year) }
    L1stJan := CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(LDate, FTZ);

    { Use CopyInfo but reverse the variables depending on the Northern/Southern hemispheres }
    if not CFTimeZoneIsDaylightSavingTime(FTZ, L1stJan) then
      CopyInfo(FTZ, L1stJan, LStart, LEnd, Result.FBias, Result.FBiasWithDST)
      CopyInfo(FTZ, L1stJan, LEnd, LStart, Result.FBiasWithDST, Result.FBias);

    { Fill the remaining parts of the structure }
    LLocaleRef := CFLocaleCopyCurrent();

    if LLocaleRef <> nil then
      { Obtain localized names of the locale (normal and DST) }
        Result.FName := TCFString(CFTimeZoneCopyLocalizedName(FTZ,
          kCFTimeZoneNameStyleStandard, LLocaleRef)).AsString(True);

        Result.FDSTName := TCFString(CFTimeZoneCopyLocalizedName(FTZ,
          kCFTimeZoneNameStyleDaylightSaving, LLocaleRef)).AsString(True);
    end else
      { Fall back to std info }
      Result.FName := TCFString(CFTimeZoneGetName(FTZ));
      Result.FDSTName := Result.FName;

    Result.FStartOfDST := IncSecond(LStart, Result.FBias - Result.FBiasWithDST); // Remove the save time from result
    Result.FEndOfDST := IncSecond(LEnd, Result.FBiasWithDST - Result.FBias); // Add the save time to result
{$ELSEIF defined(POSIX)}
  LComp: tm;
  LTime: time_t;
  LLastOffset, LDay: Integer;
  LIsSecondCycle, LIsStandard: Boolean;
  LChars: TBytes;
  SetLength(LChars, 256);
  { Create the changes block. Keep it clean so far. }
  Result := AllocMem(SizeOf(TYearlyChanges));

  if (SizeOf(LongInt) = 4) and ((AYear < 1970) or (AYear > 2037)) then
    Exit; // Not supported

  { Generate a value that starts with 1st of the current year }
  FillChar(LComp, SizeOf(LComp), 0);
  LComp.tm_mday := 1;
  LComp.tm_year := AYear - 1900;
  LTime := mktime(LComp);

  if LTime = -1 then
    Exit; // Some error occured!

  { Unknown DST information. Quit. }
  if LComp.tm_isdst < -1 then

  { Check if the DST or STD time was in effect at 1st Jan }
  LIsStandard := LComp.tm_isdst = 0;

  { Prepare to iterate over the year }
  LLastOffset := LComp.tm_gmtoff;
  LIsSecondCycle := false;

  { Initialize info, in some locales like Russia and in some years the clock is not changed for daylight saving }
  Result.FStartOfDST := IncSecond(FileDateToDateTime(LTime), LLastOffset - LComp.tm_gmtoff);
  Result.FEndOfDST := Result.FStartOfDST;
  Result.FBias := LLastOffset;
  Result.FDSTName := '';
  Result.FBiasWithDST := LLastOffset;
  strftime(MarshaledAString(LChars), Length(LChars), '%Z', LComp); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
  Result.FName := Trim(TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(LChars));//<----- Korrektur Alter Code----> // Result.FName := Utf8ToString(LChars);

  for LDay := 0 to DaysInAYear(AYear) - 1 do
    { Skip to next day }
    Inc(LTime, SecsPerDay);

    { Decompose the time }
    if localtime_r(LTime, LComp) <> @LComp then

    if LComp.tm_gmtoff <> LLastOffset then
      { We found the day when the time change occured. Serach the hour now. }

        Dec(LTime, SecsPerHour);

        { Decompose the time }
        if localtime_r(LTime, LComp) <> @LComp then
      until LComp.tm_gmtoff = LLastOffset;

      { Search for the minute }
        Inc(LTime, SecsPerMin);

        { Decompose the time }
        if localtime_r(LTime, LComp) <> @LComp then
      until LComp.tm_gmtoff <> LLastOffset;

      { Generate the time zone abbreviation }
      strftime(MarshaledAString(LChars), Length(LChars), '%Z', LComp); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
      if LIsStandard then
        { We were in the standard period }
        Result.FStartOfDST := IncSecond(FileDateToDateTime(LTime), LLastOffset - LComp.tm_gmtoff);
        Result.FBias := LLastOffset;
        Result.FDSTName := Trim(TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(LChars));//<----- Korrektur Alter Code----> //Result.FDSTName := Utf8ToString(LChars);
      end else
        { We were in the DST period }
        Result.FEndOfDST := IncSecond(FileDateToDateTime(LTime), LLastOffset - LComp.tm_gmtoff);
        Result.FBiasWithDST := LLastOffset;
        Result.FName := Trim(TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(LChars));//<----- Korrektur Alter Code----> //Result.FName := Utf8ToString(LChars);

      { Set the last offset }
      LLastOffset := LComp.tm_gmtoff;
      LIsStandard := not LIsStandard;

      { Die if this is the second cycle }
      if LIsSecondCycle then
        LIsSecondCycle := true;
Monads? Wtf are Monads?

Geändert von QuickAndDirty (20. Jul 2020 um 15:53 Uhr)
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