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Registriert seit: 15. Sep 2008
Ort: Dubai
691 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: how to extract a list from a query to pass it to the next function

  Alt 15. Jun 2020, 15:54
FYI: There is an English version of Delphipraxis: http://en.delphipraxis.net/
...Which helps how to solve the problem?

Hi Klaus thanks a lot, I still does not get working in this waymaybe another idea ?
Please can you explain what is not working?
Any error message?
Any result which you get which looks not as expected?

I still don't understand what the TStringlist is for and why the "tfFilePointer"?

Btw. It is interesting that you write in english, but some parts of the source code are german
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