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nested joins check
15. Jun 2020, 09:39
Datenbank: SQL • Version: QDA Version9 • Zugriff über: Delphi
Hallo guys,
I do not really know if either my measured data or my code are not ok. Could you take a look at my Code and give me your feedback, if it is ok to Programm it in this way?
thanks in Advance and Kind regards
I have three Databases to join and extract data from:
1st global database with Electric measured data: DB1.Measurements with a Primary key: PRFNR and columns: ID_Long ,Voltage, current,Length, Count,ESD,...
2nd data base with measurement procedures  B1.Tools with a Primary key: PRFNR and columns ID_Long,tools,conditions
3rd Database Linedata: DB2.Data with Primary key ID_Long(just in one Station) and columns ID_short, machinenumber,Date, Status,para1,para2,para3,...
I Need to pick up the Long ID which is only posible to find in the Database DB1.Measurements which corresponds to several Shorts IDs to find in the DB2.Data.
I tried following Code and got some short ID Right results and some result with short ID's belonging to another Databases DB3 and 4.
this is my Code:
Select Distinct dm.column17 cell, dm.column3 auto_id,dm.column5,dm.column8 Mod_Status,dmZ.column3 BAT,dm7.column4 MOD_VST_ID,
dm7.column8 Mod_Status,dm7.ST_DATUM, dm7.column12 STATUS,DMZ.Date,DMDZ.IR,DMDZ.CAP,DMDZ.UOCV2,DMDZ.DOCV2,
from Data dm
Inner join (Select PRFNR,column5,column6,column7,column15 from dat_messung where column2= '1850' and column5 is not null)dm4 on dm.column19 = dm4.column5
Inner join (Select column15,column5,column6,column7 from dat_messung where column6 is not null)dm5 on dm4.column6 = dm5.column6
Inner join (Select column15,column6,column7, PRFNR from dat_messung where column6 is not null)dm6 on dm5.column7 = dm6.column6
Inner join (Select DATUM ST_DATUM, column12 ST_Status, PRFNR,column7,column8 from dat_messung where (column2 = '1330' or column2 = '1360')
and column7 is not null)dm7 on dm6.column7 = dm7.column7
left join (Select Distinct PRFNR PRFNRZ,column3,DATUM Date from DB1.Tools)DMZ ON dm6.colum6 = DMZ.column3
LEFT JOIN(Select * from
(SELECT Distinct PRFNR PRFNRX, MNR,X1 FROM ACCU_ZELLE.dat_messungdaten where MNR In(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14))
PIVOT(Max(X1) For(MNR) IN(1 Voltage1,2 Voltage2,3 Current1,4 Current2,5 Resistane,6 Impedance,7 Width,8 Height,11 Length,12 WEIGHT,13
where (dm.DATUM > Sysdate - 60 )
Geändert von Daniel (15. Jun 2020 um 09:47 Uhr)
Grund: applied code-formatting