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Registriert seit: 19. Jan 2009
Ort: Kirchlinteln (LK Verden)
1.106 Beiträge
Delphi 2009 Professional

AW: MIME Emails Download von Bildern - unbekannter Dateityp

  Alt 10. Apr 2020, 15:58
Aus einem meiner Programme kopiert (Code ist 9 Jahre alt nicht steinigen bitte): (Dateiformate löschen, die du nichts brauchst. Target ist i.d.R. TPicture.)
type TImageFormat = (unknown, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, PBMa, PGMa, PPMa, PBMb, PGMb, PPMb, XBM, XPM, SVG);

function GetImageFormat(Stream: TStream): TImageFormat;
function GetFormatExt(const ImageFormat: TImageFormat): string;
function LoadImageFromStream(Target: TPersistent; Stream: TStream): Boolean;

function GetImageFormat(Stream: TStream): TImageFormat;
  Memory: array[0..8] of Byte;
  Result := unknown;

    if Stream.Size < 10 then

    Stream.Position := 0;
    Stream.Read(Memory, 9);
    case Memory[0] of
      80: begin // P: Netpbm
            case Memory[1] of
              49: Result := PBMa; // 1: Bitmap ASCII
              50: Result := PGMa; // 2: Graymap ASCII
              51: Result := PPMa; // 3: Pixmap ASCII
              52: Result := PBMb; // 4: Bitmap binary
              53: Result := PGMb; // 5: Graymap binary
              54: Result := PPMb; // 6: Pixmap binary
      66: if Memory[1] = 77 then // BM: Bitmap
          Result := BMP;
      35: if Memory[1] = 100 then // #define: XBM
          if Memory[2] = 101 then
          if Memory[3] = 102 then
          if Memory[4] = 105 then
          if Memory[5] = 110 then
          if Memory[6] = 101 then
          Result := XBM;
      {33: if Memory[1] = 32 then // ! XPM2: XPM
          if Memory[2] = 88 then
          if Memory[3] = 80 then
          if Memory[4] = 77 then
          if Memory[5] = 50 then
          Result := XPM;             }

      47: if Memory[1] = 42 then // /* XPM */: XPM /*
          if Memory[2] = 32 then
          if Memory[3] = 88 then
          if Memory[4] = 80 then
          if Memory[5] = 77 then
          if Memory[6] = 32 then
          if Memory[7] = 42 then
          if Memory[8] = 47 then
          Result := XPM;
      137: if Memory[1] = 80 then // ‰PNG: PNG
           if Memory[2] = 78 then
           if Memory[3] = 71 then
           if Memory[4] = 13 then
           if Memory[5] = 10 then
           if Memory[6] = 26 then
           if Memory[7] = 10 then
           Result := PNG;
      71: if Memory[1] = 73 then // GIF8...a
          if Memory[2] = 70 then
          if Memory[3] = 56 then
          if Memory[5] = 97 then
          case Memory[4] of
            55: Result := GIF; // 7: GIF, old
            57: Result := GIF; // 9: GIF, new
      239: if Memory[1] = 187 then // SVG, with BOM
           if Memory[2] = 191 then
           if Memory[3] = 60 then
           Result := SVG;
      60: Result := SVG; // SVG, without BOM
      255: if Memory[1] = 216 then // ÿØ: JPEG
           Result := JPG;
  Stream.Position := 0;

function GetFormatExt(const ImageFormat: TImageFormat): string;
  case ImageFormat of
    BMP: Result := 'BMP';
    GIF: Result := 'GIF';
    JPG: Result := 'JPG';
    PNG: Result := 'PNG';
    PBMa, PBMb: Result := 'PBM'; // don't care for ASCII/binary if netpbm
    PGMa, PGMb: Result := 'PGM';
    PPMa, PPMb: Result := 'PPM';
    XBM: Result := 'XBM';
    XPM: Result := 'XPM';
    SVG: Result := 'SVG';
    else Result := '';

function LoadImageFromStream(Target: TPersistent; Stream: TStream): Boolean;
  GraphicClass: TGraphicClass;
  Graphic: TGraphic;
  //GraphicClass := nil;
  Result := False;
  case GetImageFormat(Stream) of
    BMP: GraphicClass := Graphics.TBitmap;
    PNG: GraphicClass := TPNGImage;
    JPG: GraphicClass := TJPEGImage;
    GIF: GraphicClass := TGIFImage;
    PBMa, PGMa, PPMa, PBMb, PGMb, PPMb: GraphicClass := TNetPBM;
    XBM: GraphicClass := TXBitmap;
    XPM: GraphicClass := TXPixmap;
    SVG: GraphicClass := TSVGImage;
    else raise EInvalidGraphic.CreateFmt(SInvalidImage, []);
  if not (GraphicClass = nil) then
    Graphic := GraphicClass.Create;
      Result := True;
2005 PE, 2009 PA, XE2 PA
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