Thema: Delphi ABSQuery und FieldType

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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: ABSQuery und FieldType

  Alt 27. Mär 2020, 09:47
Ich habe zwischenzeitlich eine Antwort vom Programmierer der ABSDatabase erhalten.

Please note that ABSQuery works in 2 modes:

1) ABSQuery.RequestLive = True before its opnening, and you do SELECT
from 1 table only
Then you get live result - editable records of original source table, then
datatypes should be remain the same as in source table

2) ABSQuery.RequestLive = False, or you do select from several tables,
or use UNION / GROUP BY / ... other complex options.
Then you get new temporary table - records are copied from original
tables and they are marked as read-only in this result temp table,
then autoinc datatype is changed to Integer type

Somit klappt es auf folgendem Weg:

        ABSQuery1.RequestLive := true;
        ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * From ' + _Table_Name + ' WHERE 1 = 0';
//      ABSQuery1.Fields[ x ].DataType enthält nun den aktuellen Datentyp des Feldes x in Form eines TFieldType
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