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Array of Array of string Quicksort

Ein Thema von cherry · begonnen am 12. Jan 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Nov 2010
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AW: Array of Array of string Quicksort

  Alt 8. Nov 2010, 09:01
// QUICK SORT STRING ARRAY 2 EXTENDED (multidimensional)
// Extended in this case: The values will be compared UPPERCASE, a < B
procedure QuickSortStringArray2Ex(var A: TStringArray2; L, R: Integer; SortCol: Integer);
  OrigR: Integer;
  Pivot: string;
  SortPartitions: Boolean;
  tmp: TStringArray;
  if L<R then begin
    OrigL:=L; //saving original bounds
      L:=OrigL; //restoring original bounds if we
      R:=OrigR; //have chosen a bad pivot value
      while L<R do begin
        while (L<R) and (UPPERCASE(A[L,SortCol])<Pivot) do Inc(L);
        while (L<R) and (UPPERCASE(A[R,SortCol])>=Pivot) do Dec(R);
        if (L<R) then begin
      if UPPERCASE(A[L,SortCol])>=Pivot then Dec(L); //has we managed to choose
      GoodPivot:=L>=OrigL; //a good pivot value?
      SortPartitions:=True; //if so, then sort on
      if not GoodPivot then begin //bad luck, the pivot is the smallest one in our range
        GoodPivot:=True; //let's presume that all the values are equal to pivot
        SortPartitions:=False; //then no need to sort it
        for R := OrigL to OrigR do if UPPERCASE(A[R,SortCol])<>Pivot then begin //we have at least one different value than our pivot
          Pivot:=UPPERCASE(A[R,SortCol]); //so this will be our new pivot
          GoodPivot:=False; //we have to start again sorting this range
    until GoodPivot;
    if SortPartitions then begin
      QuickSortStringArray2Ex(A, OrigL, L, SortCol);
      QuickSortStringArray2Ex(A, L+1, OrigR, SortCol);
Ist das nur mein Gefühl, oder ist die ganze Welt verrückt geworden!?
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