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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 17. Jan 2020, 22:04
This might work, but is not a really secure and surely not the fastest way.
Have a look at LinaComponents, in WebCtrls.pas, there is a THtmlDocument class. It should give you an idea or perhaps even do exactly that. The problem with HTML are for example the comments, or text inside strings, that need to be ignored.
The source for the parsing goes as follows (original can be found in LinaComponent's WebCtrls unit):
procedure THtmlDocumentTag.LinesChange(Sender: TObject);
  Index: Integer;
  Current: PChar;
  CurrentTag: String;
  TagName: String;
  TagText: String;
  TagLines: TStrings;
  InTag, InTagArea: Boolean;
  TagKind: (tagOpen,tagClose,tagSingle,tagComment);
  for Index := 0 to TagCount - 1 do
  FText := '';
  TagName := '';
  TagText := '';
  TagLines := TStringList.Create;
  InTag := False;
  InTagArea := False;
  Current := PChar(Lines.Text);
      while Current^ <> #0 do
        if (Current^ = '<') and ((Current + 1)^ in Letters + ['!','/']) then
          InTag := True;
          InTagArea := True;
          if (Current + 1)^ in Letters then
            TagKind := tagOpen;
            if Length(TagName) <> 0 then
              TagText := TagText + Current^;
          if ((Current + 1)^ = '!') and ((Current + 2)^ = '-') and ((Current + 3)^ = '-') then
            TagKind := tagComment;
            if Length(TagName) <> 0 then
              TagText := TagText + Current^ + (Current + 1)^ + (Current + 2)^ + (Current + 3)^;
          if ((Current + 1)^ = '/') and ((Current + 2)^ in Letters) then
            TagKind := tagClose;
        if InTagArea then
          if InTag then
            case TagKind of
              tagOpen: if (Current^ = '>') or ((Current^ = '/') and (Length(Trim(CurrentTag)) <> 0)) then
                         if Length(CurrentTag) <> 0 then
                           InTag := False;
                           if Length(TagName) = 0 then
                             TagName := CurrentTag;
                           end else
                             TagText := TagText + Current^;
                           CurrentTag := '';
                           //Parse spaces and parameters .... (to be added)
                           if Current^ = '/then
                             TagKind := tagSingle;
                             if Length(TagText) <> 0 then
                               TagText := TagText + Current^;
                       end else
                         CurrentTag := CurrentTag + Current^;
                         if Length(TagName) <> 0 then
                           TagText := TagText + Current^;
              tagClose: if Current^ = '>then
                          if (Length(CurrentTag) <> 0) and (Length(TagName) <> 0) then
                            InTag := False;
                            if TrimRight(CurrentTag) = TagName then
                              InTagArea := False;
                              SetLength(FTags,Length(FTags) + 1);
                              TagLines.Text := TagText;
                              FTags[TagCount - 1] := THtmlDocumentTag.Create(TagName,Document,Self,TagLines);
                              if Assigned(Document.OnTagAdd) then
                                Document.OnTagAdd(Self,FTags[TagCount - 1]);
                              TagName := '';
                              TagText := '';
                            end else
                              TagText := TagText + '</' + CurrentTag + '>';
                            CurrentTag := '';
                        end else
                          CurrentTag := CurrentTag + Current^;
              tagComment: if (Current^ = '-') and ((Current + 1)^ = '-') and ((Current + 2)^ = '>') then
                            InTag := False;
                            TagText := TagText + Current^ + (Current + 1)^ + (Current + 2)^;
                          end else
                            TagText := TagText + Current^;
          end else
            TagText := TagText + Current^;
        end else
          FText := FText + Current^;
        raise EHtmlParse.Create('HTML parse error on line ' + IntToStr(CharLine(Current,Lines.Text)) + ' at position ' + IntToStr(CharPosition(Current,Lines.Text)));
      if InTagArea then
        SetLength(FTags,Length(FTags) + 1);
        TagLines.Text := TagText;
        FTags[TagCount - 1] := THtmlDocumentTag.Create(TagName,Document,Self,TagLines);
        if Assigned(Document.OnTagAdd) then
          Document.OnTagAdd(Self,FTags[TagCount - 1]);

Geändert von Dennis07 (17. Jan 2020 um 22:06 Uhr)
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