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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2006
Ort: St.Gallen/Schweiz
1.192 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TChromium unter Delphi10.3.3

  Alt 17. Jan 2020, 17:23
Hi salvadordf

Thanks for your Answer - Sorry, i'm not shure, taht my english is coretly.

In the last Time i have founded the Binarys, downloaded and decrommpressed.

Edit : I forgot to add that it's not possible to have DCEF3 and CEF4Delphi installed at the same time because they share many class names, type names, etc.
DCEF3 is not installed, but i have thinked, that i'm need Files from DCEF3.
But a question: My Windows is 64Bit, but with Delphi i'm create 32Bit-Apps(just now). For this im think, i'm need the 32-Bit Version from DCEF4Delphi, but the DCEF4Delphi64-Bit i'm need vor Building 64-Bit-Apps. Thas Correctly?

Greetings and Thanks
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