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Ein Thema von sdean · begonnen am 31. Dez 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 1. Jan 2010
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Registriert seit: 5. Dez 2009
64 Beiträge


  Alt 31. Dez 2009, 20:55
Hi i use the following Function to Left-align the whole MyListBox , please see the attached PIC .

my Question is how could i Right-align the Whole MyListBox ?

function TMyListBox.DrawItemHeight( AObject : TInfoObject; ACanvas : TCanvas; ARect : TRect; AState : TItemDrawState; GetHeight : Boolean ) : Integer;
  BM1, BM2 : Graphics.TBitmap;
  Text1, Text2 : string;
  H1, H2 : Integer;
  MaxWidth, IcoWidth, IcoHeight : Integer;

  function TextHeigh( ACanvas : TCanvas; AText : string; ARect : TRect; CanDraw : Boolean = False ) : Integer;
      DrawOrNot : array[ Boolean ] of LongWord = ( DT_CALCRECT, 0 );
    Flags : LongInt;
  begin // TextHeigh
    ARect.Bottom := 1;
    Flags := DrawTextBiDiModeFlags( DT_LEFT or DT_TOP or DT_NOPREFIX or
       DT_NOCLIP or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_END_ELLIPSIS or DrawOrNot[ CanDraw ] );

    Result := DrawText( ACanvas.Handle, PChar( AText ), Length( AText ),
       ARect, Flags );
  end; // TextHeigh


begin // TMyListBox.DrawItemHeight
  MaxWidth := Abs( ARect.Right - ARect.Left );
  IcoWidth := 0;
  IcoHeight := 0;

  if AObject.Title <> 'then
    Text1 := AObject.Title // 1st string line in the List the above ONE
    Text1 := ' ';

  Text2 := AObject.Text; // 2nd String line in the List the bellow One

  if ( AObject.Icon <> nil ) and not AObject.Icon.Empty then
    IcoWidth := AObject.Icon.Width;
    IcoHeight := AObject.Icon.Height;
    end; // if ( AObject.Icon <> nil ) and not AObject.Icon.Empty

  BM1 := Graphics.TBitmap.Create;
  BM1.Width := Abs( MaxWidth - IcoWidth - FSpacer );
  BM1.Height := 16;
  BM2 := Graphics.TBitmap.Create;
  BM2.Width := MaxWidth;
  BM2.Height := 16;

  with BM1.Canvas do
    Font.Assign( FTitleFont );

    if ( AState = idSelected ) or ( AState = idSelFocused ) then
      Font.Assign( FTitleSelected );

    H1 := TextHeigh( BM1.Canvas, Text1, Rect( 0, 0, BM1.Width - 4, 0 ), True );
    end; // with BM1.Canvas

  if Text2 <> 'then
    with BM2.Canvas do
      Font.Assign( FTextFont );

      if ( AState = idSelected ) or ( AState = idSelFocused ) then
        Font.Assign( FTextFontSelected );

      H2 := TextHeigh( BM2.Canvas, Text2, Rect( 2, 0, BM2.Width - 2, 0 ), True );
      end // with BM2.Canvas
    H2 := 0;

    if not GetHeight then
      with ACanvas do
        SetBkMode( Handle, Transparent );

        if ( IcoWidth > 0 ) and ( IcoHeight > 0 ) then
          if IcoHeight > H1 then
            Draw( 2, 2, AObject.Icon );
            Font.Assign( FTitleFont );

            if ( AState = idSelected ) or ( AState = idSelFocused ) then
              Font.Assign( FTitleFontSelected );

            TextHeigh( ACanvas, Text1, Rect( 2 + IcoWidth + FSpacer,
               2 +( IcoHeight - H1 ) div 2,
               IcoWidth + BM1.Width - FSpacer - 6, 0 ), True );
            end // if IcoHeight > H1
            Draw( 2, 2 +( H1 - IcoHeight ) div 2, AObject.Icon );
            Font.Assign( FTitleFont );

            if ( AState = idSelected ) or ( AState = idSelFocused ) then
              Font.Assign( FTitleFontSelected );

            TextHeigh( ACanvas, Text1, Rect( 2 + IcoWidth + FSpacer, 2,
               IcoWidth + BM1.Width - FSpacer - 6, 0 ), True );
            end; // else of if IcoHeight > H1
          end // if ( IcoWidth > 0 ) and ( IcoHeight > 0 )
          Font.Assign( FTitleFont );

          if ( AState = idSelected ) or ( AState = idSelFocused ) then
            Font.Assign( FTitleFontSelected );

          TextHeigh( ACanvas, Text1, Rect( 2, 2, BM1.Width - 2, 0 ), True );
          end; // else of if ( IcoWidth > 0 ) and ( IcoHeight > 0 )

        if ( AObject.Text <> '' ) and FText then
          Font.Assign( FTextFont );

          if ( AState = idSelected ) or ( AState = idSelFocused ) then
            Font.Assign( FTextFontSelected );

          if IcoHeight > H1 then
            TextHeigh( ACanvas, Text2, Rect( 0, 2 + IcoHeight, BM2.Width, 0 ),
               True )
            TextHeigh( ACanvas, Text2, Rect( 0, 2 + H1, BM2.Width, 0 ), True );
          end; // if ( AObject.Text <> '' ) and FText

        SetBkMode( Handle, OPAQUE );
        end; // with ACanvas
      end; // if not GetHeight

    if FText then
      if IcoHeight > H1 then
        Result := IcoHeight + H2 + 4
        Result := H1 + H2 + 4;
      end // if FText
      if IcoHeight > H1 then
        Result := IcoHeight + 4
        Result := H1 + 4;

  end; // TMyListBox.DrawItemHeight
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2002
11 Beiträge

Re: Right-align

  Alt 1. Jan 2010, 15:59
your method has a parameter called ARect which states the clipping rectangle for your item which gives you the horizontal dimension of the current entry. so the calculation has to be:

ARect.Right - %TextWidth%
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