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Treiber Handling

Ein Thema von nanix · begonnen am 24. Dez 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 30. Dez 2009
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Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 00:43
Ok i translated this from opensyslib which is an open source driver.I just cant figure out where the bug is becouse it wont do nothing.

I just can't find the bug..

unit DriverFuncs;


uses winsvc, Classes, SysUtils, Variants, Windows, driverConSTS;

function InstallDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId, DriverPath: string):
function RemoveDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId: string): Boolean;
function StartDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId: string): Boolean;
function StopDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId: string): Boolean;
function SystemInstallDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId, DriverPath:
  string): Boolean;
function IsSystemInstallDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId, DriverPath:
  string): Boolean;
function ManageDriver(DriverId, DriverPath: string; _Function: Integer):

function OpenDriver():Boolean;



// Open Driver

function OpenDriver():boolean;
   gHandle:= CreateFile(Driver_DRIVER_ID,

    if gHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then

// Manage Driver

function ManageDriver(DriverId, DriverPath: string; _Function: Integer):
  hSCManager: SC_HANDLE;
  rCode: Boolean;
  error: Dword;

  hSCManager := 0;
  rCode := False;
  error := NO_ERROR;

  if (DriverId = '') and (DriverPath = '') then
    result := FALSE;

  hSCManager := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);

  if hSCManager = 0 then
    result := FALSE;

  if _Function=OLS_DRIVER_INSTALL then begin
        if InstallDriver(hSCManager, DriverId, DriverPath) then
        rCode := rCode = StartDriver(hSCManager, DriverId);

  if _Function=OLS_DRIVER_REMOVE then begin
      if IsSystemInstallDriver(hSCManager, DriverId,
      DriverPath)=false then
        StopDriver(hSCManager, DriverId);
        rCode := RemoveDriver(hSCManager, DriverId);

  if _Function=OLS_DRIVER_SYSTEM_INSTALL then begin
      if IsSystemInstallDriver(hSCManager, DriverId, DriverPath) then
      rCode := True


        if OpenDriver()=false then
          StopDriver(hSCManager, DriverId);
          RemoveDriver(hSCManager, DriverId);

          if InstallDriver(hSCManager, DriverId, DriverPath) then
            StartDriver(hSCManager, DriverId);

        rCode := SystemInstallDriver(hSCManager, DriverId, DriverPath);

   if _Function=OLS_DRIVER_SYSTEM_UNINSTALL then begin

    if IsSystemInstallDriver(hSCManager, DriverId, DriverPath)=false then
       else begin
          if not gHandle=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin

          if StopDriver(hSCManager, DriverId) then begin

          if not hSCManager=0 then begin



// Install Driver

function InstallDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId, DriverPath: string):Boolean;
  hService: SC_HANDLE;
  rCode: Boolean;
  error: Dword;
  hService := 0;
  rCode := False;
  error := NO_ERROR;

   hService:= CreateService(hSCManager,

    if hService= 0 then
    error:= GetLastError();

  if error=ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS then
     rCode:= TRUE
        rCode:= TRUE;

// System Install Driver

function SystemInstallDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId, DriverPath:
  string): Boolean;

   hService:=OpenService(hSCManager, pchar(DriverId), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

   if not hService= 0 then begin
      rCode:= ChangeServiceConfig(hService,


// Remove Driver

function RemoveDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId: string): Boolean;

hService:= OpenService(hSCManager,pchar(DriverId), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

    if hService=0 then begin
       rCode:= TRUE
   else begin
      rCode := DeleteService(hService);


// Start Driver

function StartDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId: string): Boolean;

   hService:= OpenService(hSCManager, pchar(DriverId), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

    if not hService=0 then begin
          if StartService(hService, 0, b) = false then
             error:= GetLastError();
             if error=ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING then
             else begin


// Stop Driver

function StopDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId: string): Boolean;

   hService:= OpenService(hSCManager, pchar(DriverId), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

    if not hService=0 then begin
      rCode:= ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,serviceStatus);
      error:= GetLastError();

// IsSystemInstallDriver

function IsSystemInstallDriver(hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; DriverId, DriverPath:
  string): Boolean;
  ServiceConfig: PQueryServiceConfig;
  hService : SC_HANDLE;
  Ss : TServiceStatus;
  MemToFree: integer;


      hService := OpenService(hSCManager, PChar(DriverId), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

      if not hService = 0 then

        QueryServiceConfig(hService, nil, 0, dw_size); // Get Buffer Length
        GetMem(ServiceConfig, dw_size + 1);
        MemToFree := dw_size + 1;
          if not QueryServiceConfig(hService, ServiceConfig, dw_size + 1, dw_size) then // Get Buffer Length

        if ServiceConfig.dwServiceType=SERVICE_AUTO_START then


Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: h driver_139.h (630 Bytes, 6x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: cpp driver_168.cpp (7,6 KB, 7x aufgerufen)
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.287 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 09:22
Classes, SysUtils, Variants and the DelphiMemoryManager (String) do not belong in a driver.

Only use low level funktions (kernel mode) and no fuctions from user mode.
And the original System.dcu is also "highly" developed. That lends itself seems to be a limited version.
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Benutzerbild von wicht

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Delphi XE Professional

Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 10:33
The source posted here does not seem to belong to a driver.
It looks more like an application the user runs to install/start/stop/remove a driver.

"I make hits. Not the public. I tell the DJ’s what to play. Understand?"
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Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 11:14
Who said this is an driver?This is a unit to install and uninstall the driver

How would this look in delphi?

NTSTATUS WritePciConfig(
void *lpInBuffer,
ULONG nInBufferSize,
void *lpOutBuffer,
ULONG nOutBufferSize,
ULONG *lpBytesReturned

Function WritePCIConfig(.......
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.287 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 11:32
function WritePciConfig(lpInBuffer: Pointer; nInBufferSize: LongWord; lpOutBuffer: Pointer;
  nOutBufferSize: LongWord; lpBytesReturned: PLongWord): LongWord; StdCall;

// or

function WritePciConfig(lpInBuffer: Pointer; nInBufferSize: LongWord; lpOutBuffer: Pointer;
  nOutBufferSize: LongWord; var lpBytesReturned: LongWord): LongWord; StdCall;
Here there is nothing difficult, and it should all easily translate itself.
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Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 11:37
Is there a tool to make this a bit easier?

It should be function
WritePciConfig(lpInBuffer: Pointer; nInBufferSize: LongWord; lpOutBuffer: Pointer;
  nOutBufferSize: LongWord; lpBytesReturned: PLongWord): NTSTATUS; StdCall;
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Benutzerbild von JamesTKirk

Registriert seit: 9. Sep 2004
Ort: München
604 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 21:07
Try h2pas which is included with Free Pascal. It allows you to (mostly) convert C declarations to Pascal ones. Don't forget to study its options. I may not translate everything you feed it with, but it's rather helpful.


Edit: Where did you find this OpenSysLib? I'm curious.
[Free Pascal Compiler Entwickler]
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Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 21:17
Contact me and ill tell you everything you need to know aswell which functions you should translate.

I am nearly done translating it then ill just need to modify it a bit for FPC compiler
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Benutzerbild von JamesTKirk

Registriert seit: 9. Sep 2004
Ort: München
604 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 21:29
Zitat von nanix:
Contact me and ill tell you everything you need to know aswell which functions you should translate.
I meant "It may not translate everything (...)"

Zitat von nanix:
I am nearly done translating it then ill just need to modify it a bit for FPC compiler
The converted code can also be used with Delphi. You may remember this tool in the future, because it's really helpful

[Free Pascal Compiler Entwickler]
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Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 24. Dez 2009, 22:01
I mean the system functions like WRMSR/RDMSR CPUID functions and similar.Don't go too crazy on it though.

ntddk.cpp is like 400kb translating all of it would be craaazyyy.But would be perfect and mad at the same time.
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