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Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: DelphiXE8 and WSDL, disable authentication via Smart Card Reader

  Alt 22. Okt 2019, 15:56
As workaround, would it be possible to ask the customer/user to remove the card as long not needed? Then should it work for now.
As reason can you mention that it is for savety to have the card only in the reader if the signing process is needed.

That gives you also more time to find a better solution. And you can still proceed with the programming.

Also, did you tried another component for sending the requests? For some not really Delphi compatible WSDL's used i another component. Its a bit more work to send the requests and analyse the response, but its stable working since years. Its called IP*Works / IP*Works SSL from NSoftware.
You can not really import the WSDL, but since its just pieces of XML data which is send to the server and you get another piece back it might work.
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