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Registriert seit: 12. Okt 2019
10 Beiträge

AW: ARK (Survival Evolved) RCON Client Delphi

  Alt 14. Okt 2019, 14:53
Basic Packet Structure

Both requests and responses are sent as TCP packets. Their payload follows the following basic structure:
Field Type Value
Size 32-bit little-endian Signed Integer Varies, see below.
ID 32-bit little-endian Signed Integer Varies, see below.
Type 32-bit little-endian Signed Integer Varies, see below.
Body Null-terminated ASCII String Varies, see below.
Empty String Null-terminated ASCII String 0x00
Packet Size

The packet size field is a 32-bit little endian integer, representing the length of the request in bytes. Note that the packet size field itself is not included when determining the size of the packet, so the value of this field is always 4 less than the packet's actual length. The minimum possible value for packet size is 10:
Size Containing
4 Bytes ID Field
4 Bytes Type Field
At least 1 Byte Packet body (potentially empty)
1 Bytes Empty string terminator

Since the only one of these values that can change in length is the body, an easy way to calculate the size of a packet is to find the byte-length of the packet body, then add 10 to it.

The maximum possible value of packet size is 4096. If the response is too large to fit into one packet, it will be split and sent as multiple packets. See "Multiple-packet Responses" below for more information on how to determine when a packet is split.
Sei doch bitte einmal so nett und beschreibe was Du daran nicht verstehst.

Lies dir das nochmal durch. Oder im Idealfall sogar das auf der Webseite selbst.
Nur einen String zu schicken reicht nicht.
Ich habe es mir schon bestimmt 100 mal Durchgelesen^^ Nur weiß ich nicht wie ich das umsetzen soll bzw kann...
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