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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016
Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg
3.029 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: [android] resize component runtime

  Alt 5. Okt 2019, 18:08
And you program in German or English?
I'm not German or American.
Delphipraxis is a good forum, only some users can not advise, but only spam.
I've already advised someone on the forum and I expect someone to advise me too!
I program in Delphi
And I usually do advise. But since there is an English speaking Delphipraxis
branch available I see not much reason to post in English in the German one.

I'm quite sure you would have gotten similar advice as you got here over there.
There's simply no use having German forums when everybody starts talking in English
there even when English ones do exist!
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